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Venetia Valley

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    Student  / Family Handbook

    Click on the link below to access the most recent Student / Family Handbook for Venetia Valley.

    Get PTA Mail Blasts

    If you would like to receive the PTA mail blast, simply click on this link to subscribe:


    Si quiere recibir noticias del PTA, suscribase aqui.

    Happy Summer Break!

    Check out our virtual tour!

    Venetia valley voice - family newsletter

    TK-5 Physical Education at Venetia Valley School!

    Physical Education is designed to promote enjoyment of physical activity, self-confidence, physical fitness, improved motor skills and exposure to different physical activities throughout the 200 minutes every ten school days. As in classroom instruction, physical education begins with the unique skills and abilities of each child and systematically develops aerobic fitness, gross motor skills, and sports-based skills. Our goal is to have students develop healthy minds and bodies that incorporate movement into their lives.

    Online Learning Resources

    Venetia Valley School Site Safety Plan - COVID 19

    Click on the link below to see our most updated SSSPP!

    Feel free to see our plan in detail here. 


    CA Healthy Kids Survey

    Your child is being asked to be a part of our school’s California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) sponsored by the California Department of Education. This is a very important survey that will help promote better health and well-being among our youth, improve the school learning environment and combat problems such as drug abuse and violence. Your child does not have to take the survey. If you do not want your child to complete the survey, you must notify your school.

    19-20 School Accountability Report Card Now Available!

    Venetia Valley TK-8's School Accountability Report Card (SARC) for the 2019-20 school year is available for your review.  Click the link below to access the SARC in either English or Spanish.

    5th and 7th Grade CoVitality form

    English and Spanish form

    Forma en ingles y espanol 



    Click the logo to go to Aeries to check grades and schedules.

    Gold Ribbon

    Apolinar "Paul" Quesada, Principal

    Lauren Menchavez, Assistant Principal

    Gisell Chavez, School Office Coordinator

    177 North San Pedro Road
    San Rafael, California 94903

    415.492.3162 - Attendance
    415.492.3160 - Fax

    Bell Schedule


    School Tours

    In person school tours are in full swing! Please click on the link below to schedule a tour! We have them occurring every Thursday during February and the first week of March. If you need a specific date/time because Thursdays do not work for you, please call our Family Center to schedule a special tour. 415-492-3150.

    School dress code

    Students at VV will not be required to wear a school uniform. Students are allowed to self express themselves through their clothing all while following our dress code policy. All students should attend school in a manner that is appropriate, free from distractions and conducive to learning. Appropriate clothing means casual or business casual wear. No sleepwear is permitted, unless it is an approved school function, such as "Pajama Day." More details are available in the Student / Parent Handbook. Check the link on the opposite side of this page. 


    About our District

    San Rafael City Schools Mission: Lifting student achievement. Every student, every day. 

    SRCSThe SRCS community ensures that every student receives an empowering education. High expectations and skillful individualized instruction enable each student to embrace their own learning, think critically and experience success. Our welcoming school climate ensures that our diverse community of students, families, staff and community members are treated with dignity and respect, creating opportunities for participation, engagement and support. 

    SRCS includes the San Rafael Elementary School District and the San Rafael High School District, with a total student population of more than 7,200. Learn more at