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Second Grade

First/Second Grade Combo Veronica Reyes 
Second Grade
Lisa Gemma
Second Grade 
Kimberly Keck
Second Grade Maternity Leave Substitute Teacher

Amanda Davis                                            

Second Grade (Job Share)
Shelby Satterfield
Second Grade (Job Share)
Jenny Weller


Second Grade Links

In 2021-2022 San Rafael City Schools began using Clever to support students and teachers accessing our learning programs more easily.

Favorite programs that can be accessed in Clever include: Brainpop Jr., Kids A-Z (also known as RAZ Kids), Everyday Math Online (Via the Red Harcourt Icon).

Some teachers have created folders in Clever with links to other online learning resources.

PebbleGo Research

Starfall - It's Fun to Read

Storyline Online

DanceMat Typing

Tablet Learning



Kids A-Z


Reflex Math 


Reflex Student App


These apps are free, you need school log in information from teacher to use.