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Alex Peck, Principal



School Site Council

The School Site Council (SSC) is a group of elected parents, staff members and the principal that assists in the development, implementation and evaluation of the Single Plan for Student Achievement. The SSC meets monthly to talk about school programs and improvements.  School Site Council elections are held every year in May.

The Single Plan for Student Achievement is a document that is written yearly which describes all of our school programs and instructional goals.   This plan is written to improve instruction, set staff development goals, and allocate funds from the State with which we pay for instructional assistants, instructional materials, and teacher training. Specific programs like Economic Impact Aid (EIA), Title I, English Language Learners etc., are also discussed.

The SSC coordinates the annual Parent Survey the results of which help to guide program.  There is a link to the most recent Parent Survey in column to the left.

SSC Agenda and Notes