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Who is Homeless?

Who is homeless?

San Rafael City Schools

Homeless Education Program


If you are a student or know a student who attends a San Rafael City School and

  • is NOT living with a parent or guardian
  • is sharing a house with another family
  • is living in a hotel/motel, shelter, car, campsite or abandoned building
  • or does not have a fixed, regular or adequate nighttime residence

We can help! 


Please call the Office of Student Services at 415.492.3220 for information

Under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, the San Rafael City Schools is committed to identifying and serving homeless children and youth. A Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Special Education Teacher work closely to identify homeless students and create a comprehensive approach to assist the students in meeting the same academic performance standards as other students. 

We are able to advocate for parents and children’s educational rights, provide expedited special education assessments and services and address enrollment and transportation issues. In addition, many children qualify for free breakfast and lunch, school supplies, clothing, tutoring, aftercare and summer programs. We are also able to assist families with a child enrolled in a San Rafael preschool program.