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Promoting Early School Success


Together we are committed to the success of San Pedro Students by providing a seamless system of support that assures equitable access to learning opportunities for all children and their families.

Our  ‘Design Team’ - for the PESSA grant consists of teachers, support staff, our principal, community partners and interested parents - it was formed in the Fall of 2010. Together, we determined a course of action for our site in each of the six focus areas of the PESSA Initiative.  These areas include:

1)    A shared vision and partnership among programs at San Pedro
2)    An affirming school climate that is culturally competent
3)    High quality teaching in language and literacy
4)    Vertical and Horizontal alignment of standards, curricula and assessments
5)    Families who are engaged in supporting their children in school
6)    Expanded learning opportunities for children including all day Kindergarten

We invite you to come back to the website soon for new information and updates to this wonderful effort happening on behalf of our students and families at San Pedro.

Promoting early school success for all