• Notice of Request for Proposals
    Consulting and Procurement Company

    Notice is hereby given that the Governing Board of the Salida Unified School District (hereinafter referred to as SFA) is requesting proposals for a Consulting and Procurement Company (hereinafter referred to as CPC) to assist with the SFA’s food service program.

    Respondents should not construe from this legal notice that the SFA intends to enter into a fixed-price contract with the Respondent unless, in the opinion of the SFA, it is in the best interest of the SFA to do so. The SFA reserves the right to negotiate final contractual terms with the successful Respondent.

    The Request for Proposal (RFP) documents are available at Salida Unified School District Web site at https://www.salida.k12.ca.us

    To request the RFP documents by email, or postal mail, please contact
    Agustin Mireles, Assistant Superintendent
    Email: amireles@salida.k12.ca.us
    Address: 4801 Sisk Road, Salida, CA  95368

    The SFA will record and provide answers to any questions or requests for clarifying information about the RFP during the question and answer period.

    Respondents must submit written proposals in a sealed package labeled:

    “Proposal – Consulting and Procurement Company RFP#22-23"
    Addressed to the SFA at Salida Unified School District
    4801 Sisk Road
    Salida, CA  95368
    ATTN: Agustin Mireles, Assistant Superintendent

    The SFA will accept all proposals received until 12:00p.m., Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at the SUSD District Office, 4801 Sisk Road, Salida, CA 95368.  The bids will be opened and publically read aloud at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 7, 2022. The SFA will not accept proposals that are received after the deadline. Any claim by a bidder of error in its bid must be made in compliance with the guidelines provided in the RFP.

    The SFA reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, and to waive any errors or corrections in a proposal or in the proposal process. The SFA will award the contract based on a review and analysis of the proposals that determines which proposal best meets the needs of the SFA. Following the review and analysis of all responsive proposals, the SFA will make a recommendation to their governing board, as applicable, at its regularly scheduled meeting.

    Request for Proposal and Model Fixed-price Contract

  • Project Closed

    SUSD | Dena Boer Elementary School
    Modular Replacement & Sitework
    4801 Gold Valley Road, Salida, CA 95368
    DSA A#: 02-120061 (Inc 01 & 02)

    Bid Result Log

    Lowest Bid

    2nd Lowest Bid