• Sign up for Remind Text Alerts

    Periodically I will use Remind’s text and email alerts to share information about the class, such as assignment due date reminders, updates to course materials, and other pertinent information.

    I do not receive your phone number, rather you subscribe via text and I see only your name.  I promise not to “spam” you with messages, but will only send out relevant course information to keep you updated.


    What is Remind and why is it safe?

    Remind is a free, safe, and simple messaging tool that helps teachers share important upates and reminders with students and parents. Subscribe by text, email, or using the Remind app. All personal information is kept private. Teachers will never see your phone number, nor will you see theirs. Visite remind.com to learn more. 


    Directions: Follow the directions below to sign up for your class.

    Math 7                                                     

    Remind 7


    Math 7A

    Remind 7H

    Math 6

    To receive messages text @ag7348 to 81010