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    EVALUATION   (Certified Personnel) – BOE POLICY GBI

    Purpose and Beliefs

    The board provides for evaluation of all certificated personnel as part of a continuous improvement program with the intended result being a better education for the youth of Riverton. 


    The board utilizes evaluation for the purposes of

                a)         Improving performance,       

                b)         Encouraging professional growth, and

                c)         Providing a process for accountability of performance.


    The board believes that an effective evaluation process

                a)         Clearly identifies expectations,

                b)         Builds trust,

                c)         Fosters teamwork,

                d)         Builds on strengths while measuring and encouraging growth,

                E)         focuses on the needs of the individual as well as the system as a whole,

                f)          Results in a picture of a person’s overall performance, and

                g)         Ultimately benefits students.


    For these purposes and based on these beliefs, the board shall adopt evaluation procedures and instruments for certificated personnel.


    Evaluation Procedures

    Administrators shall be evaluated according to Kansas statute but no less than twice during the first two years of employment and annually thereafter.  All other certificated personnel shall be evaluated according to Kansas statute but no less than twice in each of the first three years of employment, once in the fourth year of employment, and once every other year thereafter.  Provision for intensive assistance shall be included in the process for all certified personnel.

                Procedures and instruments used in the evaluation of certificated personnel shall be developed through the involvement of board members, teachers, students, parents, administrators, and community members.  These shall be reviewed and updated at least every five (5) years.  Additionally, the year following a revision shall be used as a “pilot” year with feedback used to recommend refinements to be adopted and instituted in subsequent years.  Evaluation procedures and instruments shall become a part of this policy by reference once adopted by the board. 

Last Modified on December 22, 2010