


    Senior To-Do List



    ·         Review your career plans. Not sure? Talk to parent, Mr. Hunt, teachers, research online. Check out Inside Jobs www.insidejobs.com or http://www.collegemajors101.com  or visit The Occupational Handbook http://www.bls.gov/ooh/   or use Xello https://xello.world/en/

    ·       Register for the September ACT  (Free or reduced lunch? Educational Talent Search? You receive 2 ACT test waivers– Value of $50.50 each,  NCAA fee waiver, College Admissions Fee Waivers, Monthly help with college admissions, FAFSA, etc.. If you have a fee waiver this year - you have free access to ACT Online Prep and ACT Kaplan Online Prep Live.


    Colorado State University, Yale, Oxford, The University of Oklahoma, and many others require The Common Application. Check out your university preference at https://www.commonapp.org  Stict deadlines apply.

    If planning to apply to WSU – apply now!

    Register for the October 27th ACT by September 28th!

    ·         Register for SAT – if you are planning to attend a school that requires this testing (Usually east or

               west coast)

    ·         Set up a www.fastweb.com or http://www.scholarships.com account or review your account on

                Weekly basis. Also, keep up with scholarships posted on Counselor’s Corner.


    ·         Begin applying for scholarships.

    ·         Don’t forget – if you receive free or reduced lunch you can take the ACT 2 times for free during your Junior/Senior years. See Mr. Hunt for fee waivers.

    ·         Remember….I Have an email account…bhunt@usd404.org …feel free to contact me!

    ·         Check out the “Counselor’s Corner” https://www.usd404.org/domain/25 for important information

    1.      Scholarships

    2.      ACT

    3.      Calendar

    4.     Important Website (Free ACT Practice and more)

    ·         Meet with the admissions representatives from colleges and universities who visit our school! You never know! You are “shopping for colleges”. Check out all of your options.

    ·         Narrow down your list of colleges. Check the application deadlines for scholarships and admissions (Counselor’s Corner – Calendar & College Links)

    ·         Many “larger university” priority admission applications are due on Nov. 1st including K-State, KU, UA, OU, and others…check out your university! This deadline must be met to qualify for most of their scholarships.

    ·         Remember – ACT tests must be taken 6 weeks before college application deadlines in order for scores to arrive at the colleges on time.

    ·         Begin asking teachers, counselors, principals, employers about letters of recommendation. Provide them with the information they will need to write a letter if you have need of one. Some colleges and scholarships require letters of recommendation (Counselor’s Corner – Forms – Letter of Reference Request)

    ·         Check student announcements and sign up for text announcements to receive scholarship and other senior information. You can also follow  @RHS_Counselor on Twitter. I will not follow you.

    ·         Do not use your school email account as your primary account for contact with colleges and universities. If you do, you will need to change all of your information after school is out as your school account will no longer exist.

    ·         Athletes ..register at NCAA (if you haven’t done so)

    ·         Continue applying for scholarships.

    ·         “Scholarships” – (Counselor’s Corner)

    ·         “Important Websites”- (Counselor’s Corner)



    ·         Take the October ACT

               Apply for an FSA ID from www.fafsa.ed.gov    
               Fill out the FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aide on or ASAP after October 1st using your 2015 tax information
                Be sure to put your username and password in a safe location. You will be the only one with access to this information.

    ·         Register for the December ACT if you plan to take it. (Check your college admission deadlines) 

    ·         Work on admission applications. Review application deadlines for your top school choices!    (Remember “apply then decide”) 

    Again, many “larger university” admission applications are due on Nov. 1st including K-State, KU, UA, OU, and others…check out your university!

    ·         Send your transcript to colleges to which you have applied through Xello.

    ·         Attend area College Fairs.

    ·         Visit your top school choices. (Counselor’s Corner – “Forms” – “College Visit”)

    ·         Continue to search for scholarships.  “Apply, apply , apply!”, quote from former senior.



    ·         Remember… Many “larger university” admission applications are due on Nov. 1stincluding K-State, KU, UA, OU, and others…check out your university!

    ·         Mizzou and other major university admission deadlines are Dec. 1st! Check on your favorites!

    ·         Do you need another ACT score? Register now for the ACT.  This will be your last chance before spring admission dates.

    ·         Continue to apply for college admissions.

    ·         Continue college visits.

    ·         Remember… Do not use your school email account as your primary account for contact with colleges and universities. If you do, you will need to change all of your information after school is out as your school account will no longer exist.

    ·         Continue to check announcements, texts, for scholarships and information.

    ·         Continue to check “Counselor’s Corner” – Scholarships & Calendar.

    ·         Calendar

    ·         Scholarships

    ·         Important Websites

    ·         Continue to search for scholarships…”Apply, apply, apply!”

    ·         Athletes…register for NCAA - notify Mr. Hunt, I must send a transcript and fee waiver.



    ·         Mizzou and other major university admission deadlines are Dec. 1st!  Check on your favorites!

    ·         Take the Dec. ACT (if you need the score)

    ·         PARENTS: Save your year-end payroll stub if it shows your earnings for the year. You may need it for financial aid eligibility reviews by schools. 

    ·         Sign up for the February ACT if you plan to take it.

    ·         Continue to apply for college admissions.

    ·         Continue to check announcements, texts, and Twitter for scholarships and information.

    ·         Continue to check “Counselor’s Corner”

    ·         Continue to apply for scholarships.




    Take the February ACT test if you have not taken an ACT test or if you need to raise your score. 

    ·         MSSU and PSU admission deadlines are Feb. 1st!

    ·         Apply to colleges!

    ·         See Mr. Hunt to set up college visits 

    ·         Need Letters of Recommendation? Don’t forget to use the “Letter of Reference” request form – You’ll get a much better reference! Ask early! (“Counselor’s Corner –“Forms” –“Letter of Reference Request”)

    Continue to fill out scholarships. Don’t forget about scholarships from all sources:

    ·         University or college scholarships – check websites of your school or choice

    ·         Scholarships located on Counselors Corner –scholarships – sections

    ·         State of Kansas Scholarships http://www.kansasregents.org/scholarships_and_grants

    ·         Are scholarships offered through your parent's employers?

    Continue to check "Counselor's Corner", texts, announcements, and Twitter for scholarships and senior information. 

    ·         Continue to do well in all of your classes. Colleges and universities may withdraw scholarships or admissions if you do not keep up your academic work! Your transcript is important!


    ·         MSSU and PSU admission deadlines are Feb. 1st!

    ·         Attend a College Goal Sunday event. You may win a $500 scholarship. Visit www.collegegoal.org

    ·         Athletes- Have you applied to NCAA?

    ·         Continue – College Visits

    ·         Scholarships? Many Scholarships that go to Riverton students are due in April – Check out the “Calendar” and “Scholarships” on “Counselor’s Corner”! Keep applying on Fastweb and other sites.

    ·         Continue to check texts and announcements for important info!

    ·         Have you completed your FAFSA? Applied for Scholarships?

    ·         Continue to do well in your classes! Your transcript is important!



    If you haven't filed your FAFSA.....

    You can file at any time, even if you decide to go to college months after you graduate.

    ·         If you submitted a FAFSA you should receive information about how to access your Student Aid Report (SAR) via email within 5-7 days or receive a paper version of your SAR within 3-4 weeks. You can also check the status of your FAFSA at www.fafsa.gov or by calling the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-433-3243.

    ·         Contact each college financial aid office to make certain that your application is complete. Find out what else you need to do to establish and maintain your eligibility for financial aid.

    ·         Keep copies of all forms you submit to the financial aid office.

    ·         The final day for college visits is April 12th. Exceptions will be made for sports, music, and other tryouts and special events.

    ·         Do not use your school email account as your primary account for contact with colleges and universities. If you do, you will need to change all of your information after school is out as your school account will no longer exist.



    ·         Reserve your housing for your freshman year of college (if you have not already done this!)– dorms may fill up quickly

     Are you still applying for scholarships?

    ·         Athletes? Have you applied to NCAA? (Counselor’s Corner- “NCAA”)

    ·         April 12th is the final day for college visits.

    ·         Watch the mail or your college e-mail account for college acceptance and financial aid award notifications. Compare aid awards you receive.

      Make your final decision and send in a deposit by the deadline.

    ·         Check with the college you’ve chosen about the details of accepting or declining your financial aid, reserve your housing.

    ·         Notify the other schools that you will not be attending.

    ·         Watch for important deadlines at your chosen college – especially housing deadlines if you plan to live on campus!

    Take advantage of early enrollment opportunities from your colleges. (take transcript, shot records, copy of Labette Transcript)



    ·         Request that your final transcript be sent to the school or schools of your choice through Xello

    ·         Athletes: Request that your final transcript is sent to NCAA.

    ·         Reserve your housing for your freshman year of college (if you have not already done this!)– dorms may fill up quickly!

    ·         Senior Awards Assembly

    ·         Graduation 

     Reminder: It is never too late to pursue an education. You can fill out the FAFSA anytime. You can begin college, tech school, apprenticeships at any point in your life.

    Reminder: Riverton High School does not have access to your Labette Community College Transcript. You must always request it from Labette.  

Last Modified on September 9, 2019