• Documenting Sources

    All sources that are used to create documents, research papers multimedia presentations, and other projects should be properly documented.  Giving credit to sources is an important step that must not be overlooked.    Failing to give credit to a source or passing off ideas, information, or images as your own is considered plagiarism.  Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty or cheating, and in some cases there can be legal consequences.  Do not copy and paste from internet sources, and never download music, games, or images until you understand the copyright laws concerning the item’s use.  Plagiarism can be avoided when you take time to learn how to document or give credit sources.


    Learn how to document or give credit to sources by checking out these reputable sites.  Be sure to ask your teacher whether he/she prefers MLA format or APA style.

    MLA Format

    Purdue Online Writing Lab



    APA Format

    Purdue Online Writing Lab



    Free Tools to Help You Write Citations

    When using a citation generator, be sure to enter information correctly and completely. Always check your results to make sure that the citation is correct before using it.


    Citation Machine (for all types of sources)



    Knight Cite (for all types of sources)



    Doc Source (for Government Documents)
