Prattsburgh Central School FFA

  • Prattsburgh FFA receives $3,000 Living to Serve Grant!

    read story here Living to Serve Grant


    Prattsburgh agriculture students attend Alfred State Ag and Vet Skills competition.

    PCS Ag Students Attend Skills Competition


    Maple Syrup Boiling 2018

    Notice the difference between the left and the right and right maple syrups. 

    We collected sap the week of 2/12 and boiled on 2/16. 

    The sap that was boiled yesterday was collected over break until yesterday. 

    The later in the maple season the darker (and more rich flavored) the syrup is.  Pretty cool to see the difference that just a week and a half makes!  

    If you want to get into the science  behind it... as the sap travels up and down the tree (warm days, cool nights and the crazy up and down weather we have been having) tannin is collected from the plant tissue (xylem and phloem) through transport.    

    Maple Syrup Differences