The purpose of this document is so parents can assist us in ensuring success for students in their upcoming grade. The below skills do not cover everything that students will learn next year. The skills listed are skills that we would like students to be comfortable with at their respective grades. At the upper grade levels (3-5) it is critical that students are able to add, subtract and multiply basic facts from memory.
Skills expected by the end of Kindergarten
- Counting and matching numbers 1-20
- Comparing numbers 0-10
- Counting to 100
- Fluency with addition and subtraction 1-5
New to 1st Grade
- Fluency with addition and subtraction with two digit numbers up to 10
Examples: 6+3 = 9 5+4=9 7
- Knowing their double facts (3+3, 6+6 etc)
New to 2nd Grade
- Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers.
Examples: 14-7= 7 9+6=15 8+4 =12 13-5= 8 12+7 = 19 9-5= 4
New to 3rd Grade
- Fluency with addition and subtraction up to 20
Examples: 14-7= 7 9+6=15 8+4 =12 13-5= 8 12+7 = 19 9-5= 4
- Multiplication facts up to 10
- Multiplication/Division - two digit numbers
New to 4th Grade
- Fluently add and subtract within 20. Students should know from memory all sums and differences within 20
- Fluently multiply and divide
Students should know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers and the related quotient.
Examples: 6x7= 42 42/7= 6 12 x 12 =144 144/12= 12
- (2) developing an understanding of fraction equivalence, addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators, and multiplication of fractions by whole numbers
New to 5th Grade
- Fluently add and subtract within 20. Students should know from memory all sums and differences within 20
- Fluently multiply and divide
Students should know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers and the related quotient.
Examples: 6x7= 42 42/7= 6 12 x 12 =144 144/12= 12
- Long division
- Addition of fractions with like and unlike denominators
English Language Arts
Students should read a variety of books, including non-fiction. Students should be able to summarize the story, which includes naming the characters, problem and setting.
As children are reading or as you are reading to your children, be sure to ask about how the character is feeling, how the character has changed and other key details about the story. Students should be able to make predictions about what might happen in the story.
In non-fiction books, students should be able to name key details and tell what the text was mostly about.