iPad Support Page

iPad Support Page

iPad Resources for Teachers

Apple Teacher Certification - Dr. William H. Horton Elementary School

Apple Teacher is a free professional learning program designed to support and celebrate educators using Apple products for teaching and learning. This program is self-paced and offers courses on utilizing iPad and Mac programs and applications. Upon completion, teachers are awarded the designation of "Apple Teacher". 

Link to Join Apple Teacher
Sign in to Apple Teacher Platform

Please note: You must have an Apple personal/professional account to access. You cannot use the district managed Apple ID to register. If you need assistance to create a personal/professional Apple ID, please click below.

Create an Apple ID on the Web

Guides for iPad Apps

Apple offers teacher project guides through "Everyone Can Create". These guys are available using the Apple Books app on your iPad. The link below will only work on Apple devices.

Everyone Can Create

Apple "Everyone Can Create" Teacher Project Guides

Apple iPad 8th gen | 3 colors in 128GB & 32GB | T-Mobile
iPad User Guide:
This guide offers the basics with regards to an iPad. Some tools are not accessible on district iPads.

- iPad User Guide

Free Video Tutorial: iOS Markup - Apple Mac, iPad & iPhone Tutorials from  ScreenCastsOnline
Markup: Markup allows for annotating of photos, screenshots, and pdfs. Teachers can use this tool to grade submitted assignments with drawing and annotation tools.

- Using Markup on your iPad
- Save and Mark Up PDFs using the Apple Books App

Best iPad Apps for New Owners in 2021 | iMore
Pages: Pages is Apple's word processing software. Users can create a variety of documents an eBooks using Pages. All district iPads have Pages as an installed application.

- Pages User Guide for iPad
- Annotate a Pages Document on iPad with Apple Pencil or Finger

Keynote User Guide for iPad - Apple Support
Keynote: Keynote is Apple's presentation software. All district iPads have Keynote as an installed application.

- Keynote User Guide for iPad

Numbers User Guide for iPhone - Apple Support
Numbers: Numbers is Apple's spreadsheet software. Users can create a variety of spreadsheets, charts, and graphs in Numbers. All district iPads have Numbers as an installed application.

- Numbers User Guide for iPad

How to Share Folders in the iOS Notes App - MacRumors
Notes: Notes is Apple's note taking software. Notes also allows for the scanning and creation of documents into pdf files.

- Notes User Guide for iPad
- Scanning Documents into pdfs Using Notes on the iPad

D20 Forensics: iOS - The Files App
Files: Files is Apple's resource storage program. With Files, users can organize and save resources on their iPad, as well as through their cloud storage.

- Files User Guide for iPad

iMovie icon
 iMovie is a movie studio in your hands. Create short movie trailers or full-length videos.

- iMovie User Guide for iPad

GarageBand User Guide for iPad - Apple Support
GarageBand offers a recording studio on your iPad. Create musical compositions, voice recordings for read-alongs, or podcasts to share with students and colleagues.

- GarageBand User Guide for iPad