Please contact our main office at (732) 885-1528 ext. 5840 with any questions related to your child’s attendance.
Student Absences
Students who are absent due to illness may be excused with a doctor's note indicating the specific dates of illness/doctor's care. In instances where a child is absent due to an illness that does not require a doctor's visit, a written note from a parent/guardian may excuse up to two consecutive absences twice per marking period.
Please note that vacations or other travel are not considered excused absences.
Student Tardies
Students may begin entering the building at 8:40 a.m. each morning. Students arriving after 9:00 a.m. are considered tardy. In order to properly document attendance, students must be signed in at the Main Office when they are tardy to school. Students are not to be dropped off outside and left unsupervised to walk into the building. Any student arriving to our building after the late bell rings at 9:00 a.m. must be accompanied by an adult to the main entrance. The student will be given a tardy slip, which will be given to his/her teacher indicating that the child has been signed in late. If the child has already been marked absent, his/her attendance record will be changed to a tardy.