Mr. John Harvey Turner
John Harvey Turner was born on November 11, 1920 in Mills, New Mexico. His father was a farmer and a carpenter. Harvey had seven brothers and one sister.
He grew up in Oklahoma City and graduated from Central High School and was taking a post graduate course when he met his wife-to-be, Julia Grace Sloan. They were married in 1941. A daughter and son were born to this union.
Harvey was very active in many facets of civic and religious activities. Through his son, a special child, he became involved in PTA and served as President of the Special Education PTA for several years. He received a Life Membership in the PTA for his many years of dedication and service to that organization.
Being interested in education all his life, he decided to run for the School Board. He ran in 1969 and was elected. He served as President of the Board four times. Harvey served as Chairman of the Heart Fund Drive, President of the Neighborhood Center, Chairman of the Board, and many other positions of the Sunset Methodist's Church Board. He also sang in the choir and taught an adult Sunday School Class for thirty-five years. He was also very active in the Pasadena Rotary Club.
Harvey was a man of his word and was always fair in his dealings. He was a man of honor and dignity.