Responsible use policy

Pasadena ISD Responsible Use Policy

Pasadena Independent School District  
Responsible Use Policy (RUP) - Technology Resources

Internet Safety


The district network is a primary source for voice, video, and data transmission, communication, storage, and application delivery.  The internet is a primary source for research, information and communication. Access to the district network and Internet is provided to system users (PasadenaISD employees, students, and community members) in order to take advantage of innovative instruction methodology and workplace technological advancements. Along with this privilege come responsibilities. System users are expected to behave appropriately with the use of technology resources. Any system user found in violation of this agreement can be subjected to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment and/or legal prosecution.

Pasadena ISD reserves the right to monitor and audit electronic devices along with network and Internet usage on a periodic basis to ensure compliance with this agreement and all associated policies. District personnel are designated by the Superintendent to monitor usage.

All use of the Internet and District issued equipment and devices must comply with the Board Policy CQ (Legal), CQ (Local), CQ-R, and PK-High School Student Handbook and Code of Conduct relating to use of District computer and Internet resources as well as other electronic media and digital tools. It is the policy of Pasadena ISD to comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), the Neighborhood Children’s Protection Act (NCIPA), the Protection Children in the 21st Century Act, and other applicable laws.


Mandatory Review

To educate District employees and students on proper computer/network/Internet use and conduct, system users are required to review this policy and Technology Use Guidelines eCourse at the beginning of each school year. The parent or legal guardian of a student user is required to acknowledge receipt and understanding of the District’s Responsible Use Policy as part of their review of the Student Code of Conduct/Handbook. Employees supervising students, who use the District’s technology resources, must provide training emphasizing its appropriate use.


Network Use

  • Do not share passwords.  The district will require passwords to be changed on a regular basis.
  • Do not make your password available to others.
  • Do not login using an unauthorized account, another users account, or allow students to access an employee’s account.
  • Do not view, modify, move, copy or delete folders or files unless given permission by the owner or authorized district personnel.
  • All work/intellectual capital created using district systems remains the property of PasadenaISD.
  • The network systems may not be used for illegal purposes, in support of illegal activities, harassment, hacking, cyber-bullying, or for any other activity prohibited by district policy or local/state/federal laws.
  • Use for commercial, income-generating or “for profit” activities, product advertisement, or political lobbying is prohibited. 
  • Certain positions within district require access to confidential information.  All district policies regarding confidential information must be adhered to through network and electronic communications.
  • Employees shall only access applications, reports, data, that are pertinent to their job responsibilities. District Administrators attempt to establish permissions and security profiles for all employees; however, conflicts sometime occur.  Please notify administrative staff if you find potential permissions errors or security issues.


Internet Use

  • Use of the Internet by students must be supervised.
  • The Internet should be used primarily for educational/district related purposes.  All activity on the Internet is being recorded and can be monitored by designated district staff.
  • Do not download files, run programs or install applications without consent from appropriate administrative staff.
  • Follow Copyright laws and Fair Use guidelines.
  • When uploading files or posting web sites, follow the district Web Publishing Procedures and Guidelines.
  • If you access an inappropriate web site, or observe others doing so, immediately notify appropriate administrative staff.


Limited personal use shall be permitted if the use:

  • Imposes no tangible cost to the District;
  • Does not unduly burden the District’s computer or network resources;
  • Has no adverse effect on an employee’s job performance or on a student’s academic performance;
  • And/or is not used in any way for personal gain.


Sites accessible via the computer/network/Internet may contain material that is illegal, defamatory, inaccurate or controversial. Each District computer with Internet access has filtering software that blocks access to visual depictions that are obscene, pornographic, inappropriate for students, or harmful to minors, as defined by the federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). The District makes every effort to limit access to objectionable material; however, controlling all such materials on the computer/network/Internet is impossible, even with filtering in place. With global access to computers and people, a risk exists that students may access material that may not be of educational value in the school setting. Filtering for adult Internet usage can be adjusted/disabled for ‘bona fide research or other lawful purpose.


The Internet may be accessed by a student unless the student's parent or guardian has filed a written request with the building principal.This request, indicating that the Internet should not be accessed, must be filed annually with the building principal.


Electronic Communication

  • District e-mail should be used primarily for educational/district related purposes.
  • Chain mail, e-mails that “must be forwarded x number of times”, and other unsolicited junk email is prohibited.
  • Mass distribution emails must be approved by District Communications Department unless pre-authorization/permissions have been granted. 
  • Use appropriate language and follow proper e-mail etiquette, which includes refraining from SPAM (unauthorized or unsolicited mass mails).
  • If you receive an inappropriate or unwanted message, close the mail and notify appropriate administrative staff.
  • Do not view, modify, move, copy or delete messages intended for others unless given permission by the owner or appropriate administrative technology staff.
  • Electronic mail (e-mail) and other digital tools such as, but not limited to, blogs and wikis, are tools used to communicate within the District. The use of these communication tools should be limited to instructional, school-related activities, or administrative needs.


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Users of Pasadena ISD electronic resources and networks recognize that they are bound to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) in their handling of educational records of students enrolled in Pasadena ISD. It is also understood and recognized that employees, unless required by judicial or regulatory authority, shall not be permitted to authorize and further disclose the educational records of the other party to persons or entities without first having received permission. User shall not disclose, use, or disseminate personal identification information of any other user.


Use of Social Networking/Digital Tools

Students and employees may participate in District-approved social media learning environments related to curricular projects or school activities and use digital tools, such as, but not limited to, mobile devices, blogs, discussion forums, RSS feeds, podcasts, wikis, instant messaging, and on-line meeting sessions.

The use digital tools are considered an extension of the classroom. Verbal or written language that is considered inappropriate in the classroom is also inappropriate in all uses of blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other district-approved digital tools. Employees who use digital learning tools in their classrooms must monitor student actions to ensure compliance with the Student Code of Conduct/Handbook, CIPA, and other applicable laws. The safety and security of minors must be included when using digital tools.



These guidelines apply to stand-alone computers as well as any electronic device connected to the Network/Internet. The district makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the services it is providing and is not responsible for any damages suffered by users. This includes loss of data or software resulting from re-imaging, repair process, delays, non-deliveries, miss-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by negligence or user errors or omissions. District resources will not be used to recover software/apps/files installed by system users.

In the process of protecting the network, Pasadena ISD cannot guarantee the confidentiality of information.  The district is not responsible for phone/credit card bills or any other charges incurred by users. Use of any information obtained via the Network/Internet is at the user’s own risk. The district specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services. Opinions, advice, services, and all other information expressed by system users, information providers, service providers, or other third party individuals in the system are those of the providers and not the District. The district will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to misuse of the district’s network/Internet/electronic communications systems.