Immunization Information

DTap  5 doses - 4 doses if the last one was on or after the 4th birthday
Polio (OPV/IPV)  4 doses - 3 doses if the last one was on or after the 4th birthday
HEP A  2 doses (6 months apart)
HEP B  3 doses 
Hib  4 doses
MMR (Measels, Mumps,& Rubella)  2 doses (1st dose must be received on or after 1st birthday) 
PCV (Pnuemococcal)  4 doses
Varicella  2 doses (1st dose must be received on or after 1st birthday)
If a student is not current with immunization requirements, exclusion from attendance at school will be enforced per school district policy.
Website for Immunization  Requirements


2 doses (6 months apart)

2 doses (6 months apart)

3 doses

3 doses

3 doses