March, 2002
Students can pursue advanced measures for the Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP) through AP courses/testing, National Merit recognition, independent study, or dual credit. A course taken at an accredited college or university and receiving both college and high school credit is considered dual credit. Earning a grade of A or B is required for the DAP advanced measures.
Eligibility for the program:
* Student classified as a senior, TASP exempt by TAAS scores, ACT scores, or SAT scores or qualified through a test for TASP purposes.
* Enrollment in advanced courses (AP/PreAP or Honors) at the time of SJC registration.
* 80 average or above in each academic area.
* Prior approval.
* A student may not register for a class that conflicts with scheduled high school classes.
* Prior to registration, students and their parent(s) are required to attend one of the scheduled informational meetings held at San Jacinto College or the high school.
* Students may, with approval, take the following courses at their own expense: English 1301, English 1302, Government 2301, and Economics 2301.
* Advanced level courses (such as Calculus II) not available at the high school may be partially funded by Pasadena ISD. If approved, the district pays tuition and registration fees for a maximum of two (2) approved courses, one per semester. All other costs (textbooks, out-of-district fees, late fees, drop/add fees, qualifying test fees, etc.) are the responsibility of the student.
* The district does not pay for summer sessions or mini sessions.
* If a student drops or is dropped after the full refund date (prior to the first class) or earns below C, the district will not pay for other dual credit courses.
* Withdrawal from any dual credit course requires approval by a campus counselor before action by San Jacinto College. The high school counselor will forward the completed drop/withdrawal form to San Jacinto College. The student then completes the formal drop/withdrawal procedures at the college. A student is not officially dropped/withdrawn from a class until the process is completed at San Jacinto College.
* Premium points are awarded if there is a corresponding high school course receiving premium points.
* All grades, including F's, appear on the official high school and college transcripts.