Payroll Deductions

Employees must complete a payroll deduction authorization form at the time of enrollment in the health and life insurance plans.  To change any coverage or benefit, such as additions, deletions or cancellation, employees should contact the Benefits Department at 713-740-0120.

Involuntary and voluntary payroll deductions are taken every payroll.  Voluntary deductions are those the employee chooses to have taken from his or her check.  To change any other payroll deduction, please contact the Payroll Department at 713-740-0263.

 Voluntary Deductions include: Check deducted from:
Group health insurance

Both checks of month

Group life insurance Both checks of month
Disability insurance Both checks of month
United Way Both checks of month
Professional organization dues Both checks of month
Cancer insurance Both checks of month
Dental insurance Both checks of month
Tax sheltered annuities Both checks of month
403B Plan Both checks of month
457B Plan Both checks of month
Credit union transactions Both checks of month
Vision insurance Both checks of month
Texas Tomorrow Fund Both checks of month
TRS Long Term Care Both checks of month
Flex - WIN Both checks of month
Child Care  
Critical Care Both checks of month
Term Life Both checks of month
Long Term Care Both checks of month
Involuntary deductions are those required by federal or state law. They include:
Withholding tax Both checks of month
Medicare 1.45% Both checks of month
Court mandated child support Both checks of month
TRS medical insurance .65% Both checks of month
TRS regular deduction 6.7% Both checks of month
IRS liens Both checks of month
Student loan reimbursements 15% Both checks of month
Deferred compensation PST 7.5% Both checks of month

Payroll Deduction of Professional Dues 

In previous legislative sessions, the Texas Legislature passed a bill into law requiring school districts to allow employees to have professional dues deducted from their salary.  Each PISD employee may, by written request, have an amount deducted from their salary for membership fees or dues to a professional organization.  The deduction is to be continued until the employee requests in writing that it be discontinued.  The District is allowed by law to charge a nominal fee for this service, but PISD has elected not to do so.  The deduction will be made each pay period from August through July.