Most purchases are made from vendors who have been awarded contracts through the bidding process managed by the District's Purchasing Department, as well as with vendors that have been awarded a contract through our Co-Op affiliations.
Pasadena ISD Bidding Process:To begin the process of becoming an awarded vendor with PISD, please register in our online bidding system. This does NOT make you an awarded vendor, it ONLY places you on the notification list for upcoming solicitations. Your company must still respond to a solicitation and be awarded a contract by the PISD Board of Trustees.
When a solicitation is advertised that matches the commodity you selected during your registration process, you will be emailed by our eBid System.
If you respond and are awarded a contract, then you become an awarded vendor.
You can now do business with our district for the commodity you were awarded.
You can find information on current bids opportunities in the eBid System, as well as a list of contracts that are presently in place by viewing the Awarded Vendor Area on our website.
Cooperative Purchasing: In addition to being awarded a contract through a PISD solicitation, vendor's can be awarded contracts in any of the cooperative programs that we participate. You can find a list of these cooperatives and links to their pages by going to the Cooperative Area of our website.