SAM RAYBURN HS: JROTC Debuts New Blue Uniforms
Posted on 08/21/2013
Rayburn’s Army JROTC cadets will begin this year by hanging up their green uniforms (worn since the late 1950’s) in exchange for the new, blue Army’s Service Uniform, or ASU. The colors for the Army’s ASU originated from Revolution War uniforms and include a dark-blue jacket and light-blue slacks, colors that significantly depart from the iconic army green.
According to Rayburn senior and Cadet Command Sergeant Major Monica Medina, soldiers from the Revolutionary War kept their dark blue jackets in their saddle bags to protect them from the elements, and they wore them only during appropriate occasions; the slacks, however, were not protected from the effects of the sun. Consequently, jackets kept their dark blue color, but the unprotected slacks were faded by the sun resulting in their light-blue color.
Cadets from Rayburn’s Army JROTC debuted their new, blue uniforms on August 9 at Beverly Hills Intermediate School while supporting the district’s summer graduation ceremony.
“We have anxiously been waiting for this day when we could retire our [green] “pickle suits” and begin wearing the more attractive ASU,” said Texan Battalion’s Fall 2013 Commander and Rayburn senior, Colonel Yelitza Larraga.
The Texan Battalion will introduce the new, blue Army Service Uniform (among other orientation topics) during the Texan Battalion’s FISH Camp from 12-15 August on the Sam Rayburn campus.
Those interested in obtaining more information or attending the JROTC FISH camp, contact the school at 713-740-0330.