• Each night your child will bring home their take-home folder and their agenda. Please check both every night. I will send home any important papers, from either the office or myself, as well as, graded classwork in their folder. In addition, students will write their nightly homework assignments in their agenda. There is homework most evenings. I ask that you sign their agenda each night. This tells me that you know your child had homework, and that it has been completed.



    Math: There will be math homework Monday through Thursday. We have a workbook for each math module. Each night, students will bring home their math workbook as the math homework is in the workbook. The problem set is also in the workbook (it is located a couple pages before each homework assignment). The problem set is completed in class each day. The homework is identical to the problem set (many times the problems are the same, just with different numbers). If there are any questions, please refer back to the problem set.

    Repeated Reading: Your child will bring home a weekly reading passage. Students must read the passage out loud 2x per night to an adult. The adult must sign the passage 2x each night.

    Multiplication count-bys: Multiplication facts are an important part of the third grade curriculum. Students will have multiplication count-bys each night Monday through Friday. Students will bring home a new calendar the first school day of each month. We will start with practicing counting by 2s and 3s in September and then add on each month. Students will count out loud by each number on their count-by chart and parents will initial in the box for the corresponding date.