- Northampton County Schools
- PowerSchool
- Online Training - PowerSource
Online Training
The following courses are available for all teachers and administrators at http://powersource.pearsonschoolsystems.com
Please check your email for an activation message from PowerSource. Activate your account in order to gain access to the courses below. If you do not see the email, please email Rhonda Moses to get your account.
After logging into PowerSource, please select Training and then Distance Learning.
Each course counts as .1 CEU (tech credit). Credit will be awarded in units of 1.0 CEU. You will need to take at least 10 courses in order to get any credit. Once a course is completed, print out the certificate and save it. Submit your certificates together (you must have at least 10) to Rhonda Moses in order to earn credit. You may send them through interoffice mail (gold envelope), email them or fax to 534-0102. No partial credit will be granted.
More courses will be added as they are available so check back often.
Course Course Description CEUs PowerTeacher
(Teachers, Admins)This course is for teachers who want to learn how to navigate PowerTeacher, take attendance, submit lunch counts, view student information, view the daily bulletin, and launch PowerTeacher gradebook .1 PowerTeacher Seating Chart
(Teachers, Admins)This course is intended for teachers who want to learn how to design and modify classroom seating charts in PowerTeacher. Teachers will also learn how use seating charts to take attendance and how to use them to pick students at random for activities like class discussions. .1 PowerTeacher Gradebook: Getting Started
(Teachers, Admins)In part one of a three-part series on PowerTeacher Gradebook, teachers will learn how to launch PowerTeacher Gradebook and gain an overall understanding of its functions. They will start using the gradebook as is, "right out of the box," then learn how to create assignments, organize assignment categories, enter scores, and manage their student and course information. .1 PowerTeacher Gradebook: Working with Grades
(Teachers, Admins)In part two of a three-part series on PowerTeacher Gradebook, teachers will learn how to work with grades in PowerTeacher Gradebook. Teachers will walk through gradebook processes, including how to set up the calculation for final grades and how to modify grade scales. The course also covers new ways for entering assignment scores and how to complete final grades at the end of the term. .1 PowerTeacher Gradebook: Analysis and Reporting
(Teachers, Admins)In part three of a three-part series, teachers will learn how to use PowerTeacher Gradebook to analyze grades and report on students? progress and performance. Teachers will learn how to work with student groups; work with the Scoresheet in three modes: Assignments, Final Grades, and Student View; and run some of the reports available in the gradebook. .1 PowerTeacher Gradebook Standards
(Teachers, Admins, Instructional Coaches)This course introduces teachers to the most common operations used when working with standards in PowerTeacher gradebook. Subjects covered include attaching standards to an assignment, using the standards drawer, using the Student View mode, working with final grades, filtering, and standards reports. .1 Introducing Parents to the Parent Portal
(Admins)This course is for the school system administrator responsible for teaching Parent Portal Use to parents/guardians and students. System administrators will learn how parents and guardians log in; how to add students to parent single accounts; receive email reports; and access grades, attendance, and other information available through Parent Portal. .2 Automated Walk-In Scheduling
(Secondary Counselors, Admins)Learn how to complete the scheduling setup for automated walk-in scheduling, define the courses and relationships, format schedule constraints, enter a student's course requests, use the automated walk-in scheduler, and finalize a student's schedule. .2 Counselor Skills
(Secondary Counselors, Admins)Explore some of the most important tasks you'll need to master to ensure student success. The course
covers how to search for students, construct a custom screen, set up the Cumulative Info student page,
create a Graduation Set, record student information that you gather during counseling sessions, format a
letter to the parents, and modify the transcript..3 During the School Year Scheduling - Secondary
(Secondary Counselors, Admins)School administrative staff responsible for managing secondary schedules during the school year will learn
how to perform several scheduling-related tasks, including how to: view and modify the Master Schedule,
add courses, manually schedule students, mass enroll students in a class, enroll students in classes at other
schools, and enroll students in special programs..2 Managing Grades and Academic Data
(Secondary Counselors, Admins)Take this course to learn the basic skills of using PowerSchool's student information system to enter,
manage, and report on a student's academic data. This course is focused primarily on entering and tracking
transcripts and historical grade information. Additionally, it explains how to track graduation progress, monitor at-risk students, and review student activity eligibility..2 PowerSchool Health Record Management, Parts I and II In this course, school nurses and other health administrators will learn how to record and manage student health information at the school level, including Immunizations, Screenings, Office Visits, and Grade Level Entry Certifications. School administrators will also learn how to run Health reports and how to control access to the PowerSchool student Health pages through user group security permissions. .4 ReportWorks
(Secondary Counselors, Admins)Creating PowerSchool reports has gotten easier with the drag and drop and preview functionality found in ReportWorks. Take this course to learn how to create, publish, and use, mailing labels, form letters, student lists, and cross-tab reports. .1 Schoolnet for PowerSchool Overview
(Teachers, Admins, Instructional Coaches)Learn about Schoolnet for PowerSchool; what it is, how to access it, and how to navigate through it. You will learn how to find student data so you know how your students are doing, then how to use the classroom and assessment management tools to target instruction. Finally, you will see how to find and analyze assessment data to further focus instruction. Because all materials and assessments are tied to standards, you will use the standards mastery report to see how students are coming along on standards. .1 Schoolnet: Lesson Planning
(Teachers, Admins, Instructional Coaches)Learn how to use the lesson planner to view your class calendars, find and schedule instructional materials, and create a new lesson plan to share with other teachers at your school or district. .1 Schoolnet: Creating Assessments
(Teachers, Admins, Instructional Coaches)This course, intended for teachers, covers how to create and schedule classroom tests using Schoolnet. Participants will use the Assessment Admin tool to create an express test, to create a test manually, and to write test questions that are tied to standards. They will also learn about the test stages from Private Draft to Scheduled. .1 Schoolnet: Administering and Scoring Online Assessments
(Teachers, Admins, Instructional Coaches)This course is intended for teachers who wish to learn how to administer and score online assessments. Teachers will learn the steps involved in preparing computers for an upcoming assessment, the steps that students will go through to complete an assessment, how to use the Proctor Dashboard, how to score open response questions, and how to view a class' overall assessment statistics. .1 Schoolnet: Analyzing Student Performance
(Teachers, Admins, Instructional Coaches)This course shows teachers how to use student performance analysis reporting in Schoolnet. They will learn about student analysis reports, benchmark and classroom test results, item and skill analysis reports, and standards mastery trends reports. .1 Schoolnet: Introduction to Classroom Reporting
(Teachers, Admins, Instructional Coaches)This course is intended as an introduction to Schoolnet's classroom reporting features. Teachers learn how to view standardized test results for current year students, view results by score group, create a student group, and view student profiles.