New Student Enrollment
Welcome to Moses Lake!
If you are new to Moses Lake or new to the Moses Lake School District, follow the steps below to register your child in person or online. If you have a child already enrolled in MLSD, click here.
Find Your School
First, if you are unsure which school your child will attend, find your school here.
OFFICE registration (nearest school or Learning Services Center)
Please note, summer hours are limited.
If you are a NEW parent/guardian to Moses Lake School District, begin by enrolling in Skyward Family Access here. Attention: Many users have difficulty completing enrollment through the Skyward website on their phones. Registration includes uploading documents. We recommend using a desktop/laptop OR using 'desktop mode' from your phone. [How to use desktop mode: iPhone | Android ]
- Birth Certificate (All children entering kindergarten in 2023-24 must be five years old by August 31, 2023)
- Immunization Records
- Proof of Residency (Please write your student’s name on the proof of residency if you are dropping off your document). Acceptable residency proof includes documents with your address; such as a PUD/utility bill, current rental agreement or home insurance policy, or your most recent pay stub. Driver's licenses are not accepted.
You may upload the required documents listed above during the online registration process OR you may bring them to your child's school.
Experiencing issues? If you have questions or need assistance with enrollment, please call (509) 793-7718.
Spanish Translation Help
Tendrá que usar funciones de traducción integradas o complementarias de su navegador preferido para traducir Family Access y NSOE a otros idiomas. Si ya tiene una función de traducción para su navegador, deberá hacer clic con el botón derecho del mouse / cursor para traducir cada página al español. Para obtener más información sobre estas funciones del navegador, consulte los artículos siguientes:
Google Chrome –
Mozilla Firefox –
Microsoft Edge –