• Facing History & Ourselves








    2021-22 Community Workshop Series Description

    During the 2021-22 school year, the Mill Valley School District invited parents/guardians who want to better understand key equity issues that affect their children's education to participate in four online Zoom workshops facilitated by Facing History and Ourselves.


    Each online Zoom workshop:

    • focused on a specific topic about equity in schools
    • helped parents/guardians learn why this issue is important
    • introduced research and data
    • increased understanding on how these issues show up in their children's schools
    • provided resources and tools parents/guardians can use at home to reinforce these concepts with their children. 


    Session Schedule (Links to Presentation and Materials):


    PTA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committees

    Each school site created a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee via the school PTA. These committees will continueto conduct meetings and activities related to, and expanding on, the community sessions. To join your committee: log into parentsquare.com, find "Groups" in the menu or along the left side of the page, and join the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee group.  You will then receive communication from your school's DEI Committee regarding any upcoming meetings, and other relevant information.  If you would like more information about your school's DEI Committee, please reach out to your PTA who will connect you with the Committee Chair at your school.


    District-Wide PTA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Chair Committee

    The District DEI PTA Chair Committee is made up of the Chairs of the seven PTA DEI Committees (the Chair of each school site PTA Committee and the Chair of the It Takes a Village PTA Committee), a representative from PTA Council, the Director of Curriculum, two Board members, and the Superintendent's Office. The Committee meets monthly to share ideas, discuss DEI topics and develop DEI goals, plans and activities.


    District DEI PTA Committee Goals and Actions for 2022-23

    The District DEI PTA Chair Committee has developed a district-wide Goals and Action Plan for 2022-23

     Adults learning