• Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee Meeting

    To be determined

    • Agenda 
    • Zoom

    • Public Comment Form

    February 29, 2024 

  • CBOC Appointments

    On February 8, 2024 the Board of Trustees appointed Gabriel Burczyk and Michael Fleishman to the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee.

    CBOC Meeting

    The December 14, 2023 Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) meeting was canceled due to a lack of a quorum.  The next meeting will be scheduled in February or March 2024.

    CBOC Vacancies Update (January 29, 2024)

    On January 18 & 19, 2024 seven applicants were interviewed for the two open positions on the CBOC.  At the regular school Board meeting on February 8, 2024, the Board of Trustees will be asked to appoint two candidates to the open positions.

    CBOC Vacancies (November 17, 2023)

    MVSD is actively seeking applications for two members to fill vacant positions on their Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC).  In accordance with the Education Code, the MVSD Board of Education must establish and appoint members to an independent CBOC to oversee and inform the public of expenditures of Measure G bond revenues.   

    Purpose of the Committee:

    • Actively monitor all projects and expenditures approved by the Governing Board
    • Provide proper oversight and accountability to ensure that Measure G funds are used as they were intended
    • Report to members of the community on the progress of Measure 

    Duties of the Committee:

    • Ensure bond funds are spent only on projects listed in the Bond Project List and that no funds are used for salaries or general operating expenses
    • Monitor the progress of the bond
    • Receive and review copies of the annual performance and financial audits of bond projects as required by California State law
    • Attend quarterly meeting

    The current vacant positions require that applicants fulfill one or more of the following:

    • A business community member active in a business organization representing the business community within the District
      • Examples: Local Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club or Kiwanis club, local Entrepreneur’s Organization, local Small Business Development Centers, Small Business Assn Community Group, local group for Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE).
    • A member at large

    For more information about the required composition, role, and duties of CBOC, please see below.  

    If you are interested in applying for a seat on this Committee, please complete the short application form and submit by December 15, 2023.  The Board plans to appoint candidates to the CBOC at the January 11, 2024 Board meeting.  

    Questions can be directed to arussell@mvschools.org


    CBOC Committee Members


     Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee Members


    Michael Fleishman

    Business Community Member


    Roger Peters

    Member of Senior Citizen Organization


    Tyler Will

    Member of Bona Fide Taxpayer Organization


    Susanne Podell

    Parent of Child in the District


    Melissa Yakel McClatchy

    Parent of Child in District & active in PTA


    Shen Chiou

    Member at Large


    Gabriel Burczyk

    Member at Large





    Chris Bailey

    Parent & experience in renewable energy


    Eunice Hong

    Parent & experienced interior designer


    Joy Koo

    Parent & experience in project management



    What is a Citizens Oversight Committee?


    In accordance with Education Code §§ 15278 through 15282, the Board must establish and appoint members to an independent citizens’ bond oversight committee (“CBOC”) to inform the public concerning the expenditure of Measure G bond revenues.  The CBOC will convene public meetings to provide oversight and report on the proper expenditure of bond revenues.  As provided for in Section 17528, the Board shall establish and appoint members to the CBOC “within 60 days of the date that the governing board enters the election results on its minutes…”


    The composition of the CBOC is governed by statute.  Specifically, Education Code section 15282 provides that the CBOC shall consist of at least 7 members who shall service for a minimum of 2 years and for no more than 3 consecutive terms.   Membership must consist of the following members:


    1. A business community member active in a business organization representing the business community within the District;
    2. A member of a senior citizen’s organization (Examples:  AARP, Advocacy groups for senior citizens such as National Council on Aging, Retirement Centers such as various University of California Retirement Centers.  Age generally established by groups; 55 is common however AARP is 50);
    3. A member of a bona fide taxpayer organization (Examples:county taxpayers’ organization, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers’ Assn, California Taxpayers Assn.)
    4. A parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District;
    5. A parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District and active in a parent-teacher organization (PTA, PTO); and
    6. At least 2 at large members


    No CBOC member may be compensated and no District employee or official or contractor/vendor/consultant may be a member. 

    What does the CBOC do?

    Purpose of the Committee

      • Actively monitor all projects and expenditures approved by the Governing Board
      • Provide proper oversight and accountability to ensure that Measure G funds are used as they were intended.
      • Report to members of the community on the progress of Measure G

    Duties of the Committee

      • Ensure bond funds are spent only on projects listed in the Bond Project List and that no funds are used for salaries or general operating expenses.
      • Monitor the progress of the bond.
      • Receive and review copies of the annual performance and financial audits of bond projects as required by California State law.
      • Provide information to the public on the progress of bond projects and expenditure of bond funds.

        If you have any questions, please email communications@mvschools.org


    Previous CBOC Meetings

    August 31, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in person and via Zoom.  The agenda can be seen here and the slideshow presentation can be seen here.

    March 23 at 9 a.m. in person at the District Office, 411 Sycamore Ave.  The agenda can be seen here and the slideshow presentation can be seen here 

    December 8, 2022 The agenda for this initial meeting can be found here along with supporting slideshow.

    Measure G Bond Program Updates (Board of Trustees)

    February 7, 2024 


    Consider Exploration of the use of District Property Adjacent to Mill Valley Middle School as Possible Site for the Mill Valley Middle School Measure G Project 
    Requesting direction from the Board regarding exploration of the use of the District field adjacent to the Mill Valley Middle School as a possible site for the reconstruction of the Mill Valley Middle School Campus. Presentation.


    Request Direction from the Board on the Mill Valley Middle School Conceptual Design Options
    Julio Arroyo, Director of Maintenance, Operations, and Safety, AECOM, and Lionakis will present the current middle school conceptual design options based on meetings with the MVSD steering committee and MVMS students, staff, and community meetings. Direction will be requested from the Board on the Mill Valley Middle School Conceptual Design Options. Presentation


    Consider Approval of Mill Valley Middle School Budget

    Julio Arroyo, Director of Maintenance, Operations, and Safety, as well as Flint, Lionakis, and AECOM, will present conceptual design option costs and request approval from the school board for the Mill Valley Middle School Project Budget. 


    February 1, 2024 - Special Meeting


    Consider Exploration of the use of District Property Adjacent to Mill Valley Middle School as Possible Site for the Mill Valley Middle School Measure G Project 
    Requesting direction from the Board regarding exploration of the use of the District field adjacent to the Mill Valley Middle School as a possible site for the reconstruction of the Mill Valley Middle School Campus.  See Presentation here.

    January 12, 2023

    Environmental Services Update
    Ninyo & Moore will discuss their experience in landfill mitigation, initial environmental findings, and next steps.

    Mill Valley Middle School Design Update and Community Forum Feedback
    Lionakis will present the current middle school conceptual design update based on meetings with the MVSD steering committee.  En2action will provide an update based on the feedback from the December 18th community meeting.

    Mill Valley Middle School Preliminary Estimate
    Flint, Lionakis, and AECOM will present preliminary cost estimate updates and options.

    Measure G General Update - Presentation
    Director of Maintenance, Operations and Safety Julio Arroyo and AECOM have provided an informational update on Measure G projects.

    December 11, 2023

    Measure G Program Update - Presentation

    Mill Valley Middle School Update - Presentation

    Consider Approval of Resolution 08-23/24: Support of Applications for Eligibility Determination and Funding in the School Facility Program when Bond Authority is Exhausted
    The Office of Public School Construction announced in September 2018 that Proposition 51 new construction bond authority was exhausted, and in February 2019, modernization bond authority was exhausted.  When bond authority is exhausted, funds are no longer available to be apportioned to districts; however, the state continues to allow districts to file applications.  These applications are placed on what is called an “Applications Received Beyond Bond Authority List”, also known as the Acknowledged List.”  However, in order to file an application, State Allocation Board regulations require district governing boards to adopt a resolution acknowledging the lack of bond authority, that applications will not undergo any substantial review, that the state funding program may change, the District’s construction activities are at its own discretion, and that the State cannot guarantee any funding for the applications in the future.  Nonetheless, it is important for the District to file the request for funds in the event Proposition 51 bond funds return to the program or if additional state funds become available for the Program. 

    As a result, this resolution is before you to allow the filing of applications for eligibility and funding that may be undertaken.  Therefore, Staff is recommending adoption of the attached resolution, Support of Applications for Eligibility Determination and Funding in the School Facility Program when Bond Authority is Exhausted.

    November 2, 2023

    Director of Maintenance, Operations and Safety Julio Arroyo will provide an update on Measure G projects which can be seen here - Measure G Update Presentation

    Consider Approval of 6-8th Grade Level Configuration for Middle School Student Interim Housing - Presentation
    Director of Maintenance, Operations and Safety Julio Arroyo presented the request to maintain the current 6th-8th grade configuration for the Middle School.

    Consider Approval of Lease-Leaseback Agreement, Site Lease, and Facilities Lease to Mill Valley Middle School Project to Flint

    On August 14, 2023, the Mill Valley School District (“District”) issued a Request for Proposals No. 23/24-01 for Lease-Leaseback Services pursuant to Education Code Section 17406. A Request for Proposals was advertised in the Marin Independent Journal and select construction trade journals on August 14, 2023 and August 21, 2023.  The District received three (3) responses as a result of the advertisement for the Mill Valley Middle School Project (“Project”).  All submissions were carefully reviewed, and three (3) contractors were selected for an interview. The Interview Panel, which consisted of one Board of Trustees (“Board”) member, the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, Director of Maintenance, Operations, and Safety, Bond Construction Manager, Project Architect, and Legal Counsel interviewed the firms on September 28, 2023.  The Interview Panel carefully considered each firm’s qualifications and experience with similar projects.  On or about October 12, 2023, the Board approved Contractor for the Project. This Agenda Item authorizes the approval of the Lease-Leaseback Agreement, Site Lease, and Facilities Lease (“Lease-Leaseback Contract”) to the Contractor for the Project.  In the first phase of the Lease-Leaseback Contract, the Contractor will be involved in the design process to provide information on cost, constructability, phasing, and value engineering.  Subsequently, the Project’s guaranteed maximum price (“GMP”) will be determined after subcontractor bids are reviewed and subcontractors are selected through a competitive process. Upon determination and finalizing of the GMP, and upon plan approval by the Division of the State Architect (“DSA”), the GMP will be presented to the Board for approval at a separate meeting of the Board.


    Review of Interim Housing for Middle School Students During Middle School Construction


    October 12, 2023 Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting
    Consider Approval of Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee Bylaws
    In November 2022, the Board approved bylaws and membership for the Citizen’s Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC).  Section 5.3 of the approved bylaws “Ethics Rules Applicable to Committee: No Conflict of Interest” requires  CBOC members to complete the Fair Political Practice Commission Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests annually.  Completion of this form is cumbersome for CBOC members so bylaws were revised to include language that members must only include investments, business positions, or income from sources which are, or have been, engaged in work or services related to the school district . The revision to the bylaws provides protection for the District and reduces the demand on Committee members for filing Form 700s.  Form 700 provides additional transparency about CBOC members' financial interests in district school facilities.Given the November deadline for annual filing of the Form 700 by CBOC members, staff recommend a first read and approval of the revised bylaws at the October 12, 2023 Board meeting which was approved by the Board.  New bylaws can be seen here.


    September 11, 2023 Board Meeting Updates

    Director of Maintenance, Operations and Safety Julio Arroyo provided an update on Measure G projects which can be seen here.     

    Mill Valley Middle School Interim Housing and Site Validation (Presentation)
    In order to remain on track for with the proposed timeline for relocating our middle school students by August 2024 and break ground on the middle school campus in the first quarter of 2025, there are tight timelines.  It was agreed that maintaining the current 6-8th grade middle school model was a high priority, and Trustees also agreed that removing the option of remodeling or building at the Edna Maguire site was not something that they wished to pursue.  

    August 10, 2023 Board Meeting Updates

    Director of Maintenance, Operations & Safety gave a Measure G Update presentation which can be seen here.  

    Resolution #01-23/24 - Authorizing Lease-Leaseback Project Delivery Method for District's Measure G Bond Program & Implementing Prequalification Process
    The Board approved the Resolution which authorizes the District’s use of the lease-leaseback project delivery method  for the Measure G Bond Program Projects and implements a standardized prequalification process in accordance with applicable law. To commence this process, the District desires to utilize a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to prequalify contractors and request proposals from prospective lease-leaseback firms in accordance with Public Contract Code section 20111.6, Education Code section 17406, and District Administrative Regulation 3311.2. 

    Measure G Bond Program Update: Lease-Leaseback RFP Approval
    To commence this process, the District desires to utilize a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to request proposals from prospective lease-leaseback firms in accordance with Education Code section 17406, et seq.  The RFP process will also include a prequalification process in accordance with applicable statutes. The District is seeking proposals from qualified individuals or firms to provide lease-leaseback construction services for the Projects.  The selected contractor(s) will assist with pre-construction services and will provide the necessary labor, materials and services to perform the identified construction scopes of work.  Following the District’s review, evaluation, and scoring of the proposals, the District will present to the Board its recommendation for the selection of: (i) a contractor for the Mill Valley Middle School Project; and (ii) a contractor for various Modernization Projects to perform the necessary pre-construction and construction services for the Projects.  Thereafter, the District will provide all necessary documents for execution and final Board approval.

    Project Assignment #1 to the Agreement for On-Going Architectural Services with JKAE 
    On June 15, 2023, the Board approved the Agreement for On-Going Architectural Services between the District and JKAE.  District staff and the District’s legal counsel have negotiated a final proposal and Project Assignment No. 1 with JKAE, wherein all the necessary and requisite provisions have been included and agreed upon between the District and JKAE.  Project Assignment No. 1 to the Agreement for On-Going Architectural Services will require JKAE to provide architectural and engineering services for the District’s Measure G Priority 1 Tamalpais Valley Elementary School Project and is in the negotiated and agreed upon total not-to-exceed $ $3,655,797.  Project Assignment No. 1 will be funded using Measure G, Bond Funds.

    The Board approved Project Assignment No. 1 to the Agreement for On-Going Architectural Services with JKAE.  Following approval, the District may commence its work with JKAE to provide architectural and engineering services for the District’s Measure G Priority 1 Tamalpais Valley Elementary School Project. 

    August 3, 2023 Study Session: Lease-Leaseback RFP

    The purpose of the Lease-Leaseback study session was to allow the Board to review and discuss the Request for Proposal (RFP) for Lease-Leaseback contractors and related materials for the selection of the Lease-Leaseback contractors.  The full presentation can be seen here.


    June 15, 2023 Board Meeting Updates

    Measure G Updates and Agreements for On-Going Architectural Services with JKAE, Lionakis, and WRNS

    On or about March 10, 2023, the District issued the Request for Qualifications and Proposals (“RFQ/RFP”) No. 2023-01, which sought qualifications and proposals from qualified firms to provide architectural and engineering services for the District’s Measure G Bond Program.  The purpose of the RFQ/RFP was to solicit an adequate number of qualified sources to establish a “pool” for firms that could provide design services for the District’s Measure G Bond Program Mill Valley Middle School Project, Modernization Projects, and other future projects on an as-needed basis.  The District received multiple submissions and thereafter conducted an extensive RFQ/RFP process, which included interviews by a selected interview panel.  Following this RFQ/RFP process, on or about May 17, 2023, the District’s Board of Trustees (“Board”) established and approved the following list of firms for the District’s qualified consultant pool and authorized District staff to move forward in negotiating contracts with such firms:

    • JK Architecture Engineering (JKAE)
    • Lionakis
    • WRNS Studio (WRNS)

    Community Outreach Consultant Update

    • Expected Board item for approval on Thursday, August 10, 2023. Agreement for Community Outreach consultant. Goal is to engage the community on Measure G projects and provide regular communication to stakeholders. 

    August 10

    • Measure G Update
    • Architects Modernizations Project Assignments Contracts
    • Lease Leaseback Request For Qualifications for Mill Valley Middle School
    • Community Outreach Consultant Agreement


    September 13

    • Measure G Update
    • Middle School Design Update


    October 12

    • Measure G Update
    • Modernizations Design Update

    District staff and the District’s legal counsel have negotiated final master agreements with JKAE, Lionakis, and WRNS, wherein all the necessary and requisite provisions have been included and agreed upon.  When the District is ready to initiate a particular project, District staff will proceed to negotiate a Project Assignment(s) with the selected firm(s), as needed, and bring the Project Assignment(s) back to the Board for approval and/or ratification.    

    It is recommended that the Board approve the Agreement for On-Going Architectural Services with: (i) JK Architecture Engineering (JKAE); (ii) Lionakis; and (iii) WRNS Studio for Architectural and Related Services for the District’s Measure G Bond Program.

    Agreement for On-Going Architectural Services with Lionakis to Develop the Feasibility Study for the Middle School Project

    On or about March 10, 2023, the District issued the Request for Qualifications and Proposals (“RFQ/RFP”) No. 2023-01, which sought qualifications and proposals from qualified firms to provide architectural and engineering services for the District’s Measure G Bond Program.  The purpose of the RFQ/RFP was to solicit an adequate number of qualified sources to establish a “pool” for firms that could provide design services for the District’s Measure G Bond Program Mill Valley Middle School Project, Modernization Projects, and other future projects on an as-needed basis.  Following an extensive RFQ/RFP process, on or about May 17, 2023, the District’s Board of Trustees (“Board”) selected Lionakis as a member of the District’s qualified consultant pool and authorized District staff to move forward in negotiating a contract with Lionakis.

    On or about June 15, 2023, the Board approved the Agreement for On-Going Architectural Services between the District and Lionakis.  Thereafter, District staff and the District’s legal counsel have negotiated a final proposal and Project Assignment No. 1 with Lionakis, wherein all the necessary and requisite provisions have been included and agreed upon between the District and Lionakis.  Project Assignment No. 1 to the Agreement for On-Going Architectural Services will require Lionakis to develop the feasibility study for the District’s Mill Valley Middle School Project and is in the negotiated and agreed upon total not-to-exceed $197,200.  Project Assignment No. 1 will be funded using Fund 40.

    It is recommended that the Board approve Project Assignment No. 1 to the Agreement for On-Going Architectural Services with Lionakis.  Following approval, the District may commence its work with Lionakis to develop the feasibility study for the District’s Mill Valley Middle School Project.

    Agreement for State Funding Consultant Services with Hancock Park & DeLong Inc.

    Approve the Agreement for State Funding Consultant Services between the Mill Valley School District (“District”) and Hancock Park & DeLong, Inc. (“Consultant”), for State Funding Consulting Services for the District’s Measure G Bond Program in the total not-to-exceed amount of $97,225

    On or about May 17, 2023, the District staff, AECOM, Isom Advisors, and legal counsel presented an update to the District’s Board of Trustees (“Board”) relating to the District’s Measure G Bond Program, including but not limited to, the Bond Expenditure Plan and State funding available to the District.  The District will require state funding consulting services to determine eligibility and prepare applications to maximize State funding for the District’s bond program.

    District staff and the District’s legal counsel have negotiated a final proposal and contract with Consultant wherein all the necessary and requisite provisions have been included and agreed upon between the District and Consultant.  The Agreement for State Funding Consultant Services is in the negotiated and agreed upon total not-to-exceed amount of $97,225.  The Project will be funded using Fund 40.

    It is recommended that the Board approve the Agreement for State Funding Consultant Services with Consultant.  Following approval, the District may commence its work with Consultant to determine eligibility and prepare applications for State funding for the Measure G Bond Program.

    May 17, 2023 - Special Board meeting - Measure G Study Session

    Director of Maintenance, Operations and Safety Julio Arroyo led this workshop on Measure G.

    The topics were: 

    • State funding update
    • Architect Selection update
    • Project delivery methods overview
    • Communications plan
    • Issuance Next Steps 

    Presenters included:  

    • Sandrine Hitchcock, Program Manager, AECOM
    • Brett Mitchell, Principal in Charge, AECOM 
    • Jessica Ehrlich, Partner, F3 Law
    • Greg Isom, Managing Principal, Isom Advisors 
    • Julio Arroyo, Director of Maintenance, Operations and Safety, Mill Valley School District

    April 27, 2023 Board Meeting Items:

    Director of Maintenance, Operations and Safety Julio Arroyo provided a brief update on the upcoming Special Board Student Session (May 17th) which will address Measure G updates and questions.

    March 9, 2023 Board Meeting Items:

    Greg Isom of Isom Advisors will give a presentation on the Bond Proceed Series.

    Brett Mitchell, Program Manager Senior Manager, US West PPM of AECOM in coordination with 
    Director of Maintenance, Operations and Safety Julio Arroyo will provide updates on the Architect Pool of Record Request of Proposal and Qualifications (AOR RFP/Q) and our master plan priority 1 preliminary project list

    Timeline for the AOR RFP/Q:


    • AOR RFP/Q will be released on March 10, 2023
    • Proposal deadline will be April 17, 2023
    • Interviews are scheduled for May 1, 2023

    The interview panel will include:


    • AECOM Representative(s)
    • Board Member(s)*
    • Community Financial Advisory Committee
    • Middle School Principal
    • Elementary School Principal
    • District Counsel
    • Director of Maintenance, Operations & Safety Julio Arroyo

    *Trustees selected Trustees Nakatani and Yoo to be part of the interview panel with Trustee Katz as an alternate. 


    February 9, 2023 Board Meeting Items:


    Qualified Construction Management Firm for Measure G Bonds Projects and Negotiation of Contract:

    On or about October 13, 2022, the District’s Board of Trustees (“Board”) approved the issuance of the Request for Qualifications and Proposals (“RFQ/RFP”) No. 2022-03, which sought qualifications and proposals from qualified firms to provide construction management services for the District’s Measure G Bond Program.  On or about November 7, 2022, the District received submissions from five (5) construction management firms that timely submitted proposals in response to the RFQ/RFP.  On or about November 17, 2022, the District’s Evaluation Committee conducted interviews of all five (5) firms.  Following the District’s Evaluation Committee’s review of the RFQ/RFP proposals and the interview process, the Evaluation Committee made a recommendation to the Board to select AECOM as the District’s Construction Management Firm.

    At the District’s December 12, 2022, Board meeting, the Board voted to approve the selection of AECOM and to proceed to enter into a contract with AECOM for program and construction management services. 

    At the Board's January 12, 2023 meeting, the Board designated Trustees Nakatani and Yoo to review the final contract and incorporate revisions as needed.  District staff and the District’s legal counsel have negotiated a final proposal and contract with AECOM wherein all the necessary and requisite provisions have been included and agreed upon between the District and AECOM.  The Master Agreement for Construction Management Services is in the negotiated and agreed upon total not-to-exceed amount of $7,058,489.26, which includes $750,000.00 in allowance amounts.

    It is recommended that the Board approve the Master Agreement for Construction Management Services with AECOM.  Following approval, the District may commence its work with AECOM and begin the planning and programming stages of the Measure G Bond Program.


    Measure G Bond Program Update:


    Director of Maintenance, Operations and Safety Julio Arroyo will provide an informational update to the Board on the next steps to implement the Measure G Bond Program.  The District will need architectural and engineering services to upgrade the District’s aging facilities to meet modern academic, ADA, and safety standards.  The Request for Qualifications and Proposals for Architectural and Engineering Services (AOR) for the District’s Measure G Bond Projects (RFQ) was provided to the members of the Board for review and discussion at the December 12, 2022, Board of Trustees' regular meeting.  


    On February 1, 2023, District staff and legal counsel met with Trustees Nakatani and Yoo to review the AOR RFQ.   As a result of this meeting, staff have been requested to proceed with the  AOR RFQ proposed schedule as attached. This newly prepared timeline provides the approved Construction Manager/Project Manger to be included in the process, as requested.  Staff will prepare the updated RFQ requirements and key events and dates to select and establish a "pool" of qualified individuals or firms to provide design services for the Measure G Bond Program at the March 9, 2023 Board meeting.   

    Upon approval of an AOR and/or the AOR Pool, the district will proceed with working with the Construction/Project Management firm to create a Project list, timeline, and anticipated finance needs.


    December 12, 2022 Board Meeting Items: 


    Director of Maintenance, Operations and Safety Julio Arroyo will provide an update to the Board on the next steps to implement the Measure G Bond Program.  The District will need architectural and engineering services to upgrade the District’s aging facilities to meet modern academic, ADA, and safety standards.  The Request for Qualifications and Proposals for Architectural and Engineering Services for the District’s Measure G Bond Projects (“RFQ”) has been provided to the members of the Board for review and discussion.  At a subsequent Board meeting, District staff will recommend the Board to issue the RFQ to commence selecting and establish a “pool” of qualified individuals or firms to provide design services for the Measure G Bond Program. 


    Qualified Construction Management Firm for Measure G Bond Projects and Future Negotiation of Contract

    On November 7, 2022, the District received submissions from the following five (5) construction management firms that timely submitted proposals in response to the RFQ/RFP:

                1.         AECOM
                2.         Apadana Engineering / Apadana Group
                3.         Cumming Management Group, Inc.
                4.         Roebbelen Management, Inc.
                5.         Van Pelt Construction Services        

    Following the RFQ/RFP process, the District’s Evaluation Committee invited all five (5) construction management firms and their key personnel to be interviewed on November 17, 2022 by the District’s Evaluation Committee.  The Evaluation Committee for the RFQ/RFP consisted of the following members:

    • Trustee Dr. Michele Crncich Hodge;
    • Trustee Marco Pardi;
    • Dr. Michele Rollins, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services;
    • Julio Arroyo, Director of Maintenance, Operations and Safety;
    • Danny Chui, Middle School Principal;
    • Jason Matlon, Old Mill Principal;
    • Melissa Yakel McClatchy, Community Financial Advisory Committee;
    • Stephen DeLapp, Community Financial Advisory Committee; and
    • Jessica Ehrlich, F3 Law, Counsel for the District

    As indicated in the RFQ/RFP, each proposer was asked to give a brief presentation highlighting the significant aspects of the firm’s approach and understanding of the Projects.  The presentation was followed by participation in a question-and-answer discussion session with the Evaluation Committee. 

    Each proposer was then evaluated based on the selection criteria listed in the RFQ/RFP, as follows:

    • Firm Experience and Qualifications
    • Litigation/Claims/Complaint History  
    • Project Plan and Methodology
    • Fees                                                               
    • References                                                                            
    • Compliance with RFQ/RFP   
    • Interview

    Following the conclusion of the proposal review and interview process, the Evaluation Committee recommends that the Board approve AECOM as the selected construction management firm for the District’s Projects for reasons including, but not limited to: 

    • AECOM provides similar construction management services on some of the largest K-12 design and construction programs in California, including but not limited to relevant, local Bay Area bond projects;
    • References have been checked and confirmed, including with San Francisco Unified School District, Los Angeles Unified School District, and San Bernardino City Unified School District;
    • AECOM has proven experience in program and construction management services, including but not limited to cost estimating and comparative analysis, construction oversight and coordination, and quality control and assurance procedures;
    • The firm also has a decades-long history of K-12 work in California with vast experience in working with the Office of Public School Construction (OPSC), State Allocation Board, California Department of Education, the Division of the State Architect (DSA), and the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC).  Additionally, AECOM also has experience in complying with the Uniform Building Code (UBC), and Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations; 
    • Further, the firm has a strong Bay Area presence with a local branch office in San Francisco, California, and the proposed AECOM personnel that would be assigned to the District has extensive experience working collaboratively with each other on other K-12 projects in the Bay Area;
    • AECOM’s presentation factored in the District and the specific projects that will be part of the District’s Measure G Bond Program; and 
    • AECOM embraces inclusivity, equity, and diversity as well as corporate social justice. 

    Pending Board approval, the District’s legal counsel will proceed to negotiate a Master Agreement and Project Assignment(s) with AECOM.  The Master Agreement and each Project Assignment will be brought back to the Board for approval and/or ratification.  The Master Agreement and Project Assignment(s) will, among other necessary provisions, contain the following key contract provisions to best protect the District:

    Construction Manager’s Scope of Services and Responsibilities

    • Duration and Term of Service
    • Compensation and Payment to Construction Manager, including Preconstruction Services, Basic Services, including Construction Phase Services and General Conditions, if applicable, and include general scope of work of services pursuant to the Agreement
    • District’s Responsibilities
    • Modifications to Construction Manager’s Services and Delays
    • Authorized Project Personnel
    • Addressing Project Suspension or Abandonment
    • Construction Manager’s Accounting Records
    • Insurance Requirements
    • Indemnification
    • Termination Provisions
    • Dispute Resolution
    • Construction Manager’s Representations, Warranties, and Covenants
    • Project Assignment(s) where specific scope of work will be determined on a project-by-project basis

    The Evaluation Committee believes AECOM has demonstrated their competence and qualifications to provide the necessary construction management services to the District on the Projects and believes it is in the District’s best interest to approve AECOM as the construction management firm for the Projects.

    The Evaluation Committee recommends approving AECOM as the selected construction management firm based on the above and authorizing the District to move forward in negotiating the contract with AECOM.