• Mill Valley School District Board of Trustees 

    Vision, Values, and Goals  



    “What is best for every Mill Valley School District student?” is at the center of our work and decisions. As members of our board team, we believe in a focus on academic excellence, transparency, and accountability to the stakeholders in our community, and an equitable and inclusive environment for everyone in the district. 


    Our Values: 

    • Focus on continuous improvement that is informed by effective governance practices and building consensus, where possible. 

    • Provide high-level accountability, transparency, and oversight, and welcome feedback from our community 

    • Emphasize academic excellence where students are challenged at every level through differentiated learning 

    • Make decisions driven by data and evidence

    • Support collaboration amongst educators, resulting in greater consistency and equity across the district

    • Adopt a well-rounded curriculum that supports children as global citizens and prepares them for the future

    • Provide safe, secure, and inclusive learning environments

    • Maintain the fiscal health of the District to achieve academic excellence  

    • Effective oversight of the Measure G bond program


    Our Goal: 

    • To have a board that works together with the Superintendent and each other in a collaborative manner, and can respect and listen to all opinions to achieve:

      • Equity for all students

      • High achieving students

      • Happy and engaged students

      • Students who feel they belong, not just included

      • Superintendent, staff, and teachers that feel professionally supported, heard, and valued


    Created 1/23/23