• Volunteering in Our Schools


    Volunteers play an important and valuable role in the Mill Valley School District.

    Students, teachers, staff, parents, and the community benefit when volunteers share their talents,

    experience, and resources. We cannot imagine MVSD without the hard work and dedication of

    our volunteers. On behalf of the students and staff, we appreciate all you give to support our



    Types of Volunteers:

    Classroom Volunteers (No Volunteer Application/Clearance Needed)

    Parents/guardians who volunteer in a classroom, or chaperone a field trip, during school

    hours under the direct supervision of a teacher. These volunteers do not need to

    complete the District volunteer application and clearance process.


    Overnight Field Trip Volunteers; After-School Hours Volunteers; Athletic Coaches
    (Volunteer Application/Clearance Needed)

    Volunteer clearance is needed for parents/guardians/community members who will be

    participating in an overnight trip; which is assisting with activities that occur after the

    school hours (i.e. clubs, extracurricular activities, etc.); and individuals who are

    volunteering as athletic coaches.


    Field Trip Driver
    (Volunteer Application/Clearance Needed)

    Volunteers who provide transportation with private vehicles for field trips and

    extracurricular activities. If you are driving students as part of a school activity, the

    School Driver Form and a copy of your insurance declaration page are needed in

    addition to the volunteer clearance outlined above.

    If you are interested in volunteering, please contact your school site Administrative Assistant to obtain a volunteer application packet. 


    Volunteer clearance must be obtained annually and expires on June 30th of each school year.