
    The primary purpose of assessment is to improve student learning. The Mill Valley School District has developed a full assessment system that incorporates classroom assessments, the primary means to inform instruction and learning; local assessments and state-mandated assessments.

    An effective assessment system should assist teachers, students, parents and community members in developing a full, rich educational program.

    CAASPP/ Smarter Balanced Assessments

  • Mill Valley School District's 2019 California School Dashboard

    Mill Valley CAASPP Performance compared to state and county


    On December 12th, 2019 the California Department of Education released the 2019 California School Dashboard, which reports performance measures of how schools are meeting the needs of students. The dashboard includes metrics and reports on each school district in the state.


    In the Mill Valley School District, we are focused on developing balanced learners. Tools like the California Dashboard are important to us and our stakeholder groups in showing both strengths and areas of improvement across all student groups, particularly our most at-risk student groups. We use this data to continue to inform and improve our practices. 


    We encourage you to take a look at our district’s data and see how we rank compared to the rest of the state. We are proud of how our students performed in English Language Arts and Mathematics and how we have maintained high levels of achievement across all schools with an increase in overall scores over the past two years. We also recognize there are areas that need further examination and work toward improvement, such as addressing the inequities in achievement across our student groups. Additionally, the dashboard provides other measures of student progress including suspension and chronic absenteeism rates. Our overall suspension rates declined and we maintained relatively low chronic absenteeism rates. Our district continues to work toward developing globally-minded, compassionate, resilient, and courageous students to learn and lead change in their world, and we are thankful for your support and partnership in these efforts.



    Mill Valley School District Dashboard rankings