- Strawberry Point
- Scholastic Book Orders
Dear Families,
Encouraging reading is one of the most important things we can do to help your child succeed. I still remember how much I enjoyed browsing the Scholastic book catalog as a kid and the excitement I felt when the order box arrived. To help create and maintain book buzz in our classroom, our class will be participating in the Scholastic Reading Club this school year.Ordering online is fast and easy:
Each month, your child will bring home Reading Club catalog. 2. REGISTER at scholastic.com/readingclub
3. ENTER the class activation code: MDJ8R
4. CHOOSE from thousands of print titles, value packs, and Storia ebooks
5. SUBMIT your order online
6. Books will be delivered to our class for distribution! I will be distributing the first catalog on Monday but your child can also browse the full selection of books on the Scholastic site. If the total of our first class order exceeds $25, Scholastic will also send me 10 additional books for our classroom library!
First orders should be submitted by Friday, September 26.
Thank You,
Ms. Monti