• Official School District Policy Manual

    The governing board of each school district is required to prescribe and enforce rules consistent with the law, or with the rules prescribed by the State Board of Education.  The Mill Valley School District Policy Manual contains official policies and procedures that have been adopted by the Governing Board.  Our policy manual has been created in conjunction with the California School Boards Association (CSBA).


    View Policy Manual Online

    In April 2022, a representative from CSBA met with MVSD administrators and staff to review the entire policy manual with a view to a global adoption of up-to-date revised policies.  CSBA have provided MVSD with a clean draft for review by the Board of Trustees and stakeholders before bringing this item to the Board for a first reading on June 8th, 2022.  At the June 16th Board meeting, the policy manual was approved in its entirety, with the exclusion of AR 5117, which had been approved by the Board at an earlier meeting.  
Graphic of policy and gavel
  • Pesticide Notification Request Form

    Upon request, the Mill Valley School District is required to supply information about individual pesticide applications at least 72 hours before application.  To request that the District notify you before any pesticide application at schools, please send an email to communications@mvschools.org to be added to the Pesticide Notification list.