• How to Get Involved at Park School:

    Volunteering - What is your ONE thing?

    Park School offers families countless opportunities for volunteer participation. Regardless of whether you have 1 hour or 100 to volunteer, if you prefer to work at school or volunteer from home of the office, we NEED you. In your CLASS. In your SCHOOL.

    This year at Park, we will emphasize “What is the ‘ONE thing’ you will do for your child’s CLASS and what is the ‘ONE thing’ you will do for your child’s school?” Start thinking about your ONE Thing! These parents have and we have video proof: What's Your ONE Thing?

    Volunteer in Your Classroom - Find your ONE Thing in CLASS

    Each classroom needs numerous volunteers, including a PTA liaison, Garden and Yearbook coordinators, and Art and Library assistants. Most positions are filled at the beginning of the school year. Visit Parent Square at parentsquare.org for more detail and to sign up.

    Volunteer for School Events and Programs - Find your ONE Thing in SCHOOL

    The are many school events and programs organized by parent PTA Committee Chairs and staffed by parent volunteers. You can sign up to help with Movie Night, Book Fair, Variety Show, Art Show, Emergency Prep, Lunch Duty and more!  Visit Parent Square at parentsquare.org to learn more and sign up.

    Other Ways to Contribute

    Get Involved in the PTA
    Learn what is happening at Park and participate in decisions about PTA financial and volunteer resources by attending PTA Meetings and voting on PTA issues. 
    Your contributions to the PTA are vital to the continuation of its numerous programs and services.
    It Takes a Village PTA supports students with learning differences and their parents by: providing information and resources to understand, identify and teach students who learn differential, sponsors monthly parent education speaker events, and holds informal coffees and playgroups.
    Kiddo! is Mill Valley School District’s main fundraising organization. Without Kiddo!, our schools would not be able to be a part of vital programs – including art, music, drama, poetry, dance, and technology – available to every child in our K-8 schools.