• School Site Council Meeting

    September 22, 2022

    Time:  2:40PM

    Location:  Staff Room



    The School Site Council approves and helps monitor the implementation of our Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan, Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), helps evaluate the effectiveness of the allocation of resources, and provides additional input for the SPSA.

    Meeting Called to Order                   

    I.     Welcome and Introductions


    II.    Public Input

        A.Purpose of Site Council was discussed (see above statement and Bylaws)


    III.    SSC Business

        A.  Agenda adopted


        B.  The SSC reviewed and agreed to the norms, procedures, and council bylaws  Park's Site Council By Laws 2022

        C.  Nomination and election of chairperson: To be completed at the next meeting, as a few members were absent.


    IV.    Safety

        A. Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan

    Draft of Park School Comprehensive School Safety Plan 2022-2023


        B. Park Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan was reviewed, voted on and approved by present members: Zachary Phillips, Jen Durkee, Aubrey O’Connor, Joe Martini


    V.           Review Next Meeting Dates and Topics

        Oct 17, 2022

        Dec 5, 2022

        Apr 24, 2022