MVCSC School Board Receives Commendable ISBA Exemplary Governance Award
Congratulations to the Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation Board of Trustees for receiving an Exemplary Governance Award from the Indiana School Boards Association (ISBA). They received this award for 2023 at the Commendable level, which is granted to school boards that have a majority of board members with Commendable individual status.
Congratulations also to Kellie Freeman and Shannon Walls who received individual Level 3 Distinguished awards and Phil Edwards, who received an individual Level 1 Commendable award. Individual status is obtained by earning points accumulated through attendance at ISBA events and activities. These board members have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to professional learning and student success through active participation in ISBA or ISBA-recognized training, seminars and conferences.
“On behalf of ISBA, I would like to commend this most exceptional group of school boards and school board members,” said ISBA Executive Director Terry Spradlin. “School boards perform a vital public service for their communities, and board members who actively participate in professional learning are better equipped to perform their duties effectively and meet the needs of their students.”
The honorees will be formally recognized during ISBA’s Spring Regional Meetings taking place across the state in April. Mt. Vernon is fortunate to have our Board of Trustees receive this level of recognition that demonstrates their commitment to striving for excellence and high standards as they lead our school corporation.