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A250 Tobacco on School Property

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A250 Tobacco on School Property

Tobacco on School Property

The Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation is a smoke and tobacco free environment.

The Board prohibits the use of tobacco in any form and the use of e-cigarettes, vaping or juuling in any building owned or leased by the Corporation; on Corporation property or grounds (including parking lots, athletic facilities, etc.); in vehicles owned, leased, or operated by the Corporation; and during Corporation events, even if held outside of Corporation property (for example, prom or field trips). This policy applies to all employees (including employees of services contracted by the Corporation), students, parents, patrons, vendors, visitors, and all third parties at all times.

Pursuant to state law and Board policy, conspicuous signs shall be posted at the public entrance of each school building designating that smoking is prohibited on Corporation property.

Corporation employees who violate this policy will be subject to discipline by the appropriate supervisor, up to and including termination. Students who violate this policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including expulsion. Visitors and third parties who violate this policy shall be informed of the law and policy and asked to refrain from the use of tobacco or e-cigarette. If the individual does not comply with the request to refrain, a building administrator or building supervisor may take steps necessary, including utilizing security officers, to remove the non-compliant individual from Corporation property. In addition, individuals who violate this policy may be referred to the prosecuting attorney for criminal charges, pursuant to state law.

  • I.C. 7.1-5-12-4
  • I.C. 7.1-5-12-7
  • I.C. 7.1-5-12-12
  • Adopted/Revised: March 25, 2019


  • Section A: Basic Commitments