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A225 Child Abuse and Neglect

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A225 Child Abuse and Neglect

Child Abuse and Neglect

The School Board is concerned with the physical and mental well-being of all children and will cooperate in the identification and reporting of cases of child abuse and neglect in accordance with law.

If a staff member has reason to believe that a student is the victim of child abuse or neglect, that staff member shall immediately make an oral report to the Department of Child Services (DCS) or local law enforcement. After the report is made, the staff member shall immediately notify the building administrator if the building administrator was not with the staff member when the report to DCS or law enforcement was made. If appropriate, the building administrator may also immediately report to the Superintendent or designee.

Information concerning alleged child abuse or neglect of a student is confidential information and is not to be shared with anyone other than the administration or the reporting agency.

A staff member who violates this policy may be subject to disciplinary action.

  • I.C. 31-33-1 et seq.
  • I.C. 20-26-5-35.5
  • Adopted/Revised: March 25, 2019


  • Section A: Basic Commitments