• School Counseling Department Programs

    Student Support Team

    The Student Support Team (SST) is an interdisciplinary team made up of counselors, administrators, special education teachers, academic support teachers, and general education teachers that problem solve and intervene with students experiencing significant academic and/or emotional problems.  

    Classroom Lessons

    Classroom lessons cover a variety of relevant topics such as conflict resolution, decision making, goal setting, and planning for the future. The primary goal of these lessons is to raise awareness among students and to encourage students to seek additional assistance as needed. 

    Small Groups

    Students may participate in small group discussion led by a counselor. Topics focus on a variety of adolescent issues such as coping skills, conflict resolution, and problem solving skills. These are held during lunch or AO and are voluntary.

     Individual Counseling

    Counselors are available to meet with students on an individual basis for more assistance.



    Your conversations with a counselor will be held in confidence with the following exceptions:

    •    Threat of harm to oneself
    •    Threat of harm to another
    •    Any report of abuse or neglect or suspected abuse or neglect
    •    Reports of behavior which could reasonably lead to harm to self or others
    •    Court orders requiring disclosure


    Why see a school counselor?

    You might benefit from seeing a counselor if you are dealing with any of the following:

    • Planning for the future
    • Problem solving
    • Any concern in your life
    • Problems with friends
    • Problems at school
    • Divorce
    • Problems at home
    • Grief
    • Sad feelings
    • Stress
    • Concerns for a friend or family member
    • Concerns about eating disorders
    • Anxiety
    • Assessing your strengths and weakness


    What can I expect from speaking with a School Counselor?

    Through counseling, you can expect to:

    • Receive support and encouragement
    • Learn ways to make healthy choices
    • Receive information about the issues that are important to you
    • Better understand yourself
    • Receive academic support