2014 Traffic Pattern
  • Map Color Key

    Red – cones or other barrier
    Green – drop-off/pick-up route
    Yellow – drop-off/pick-up area
    White – crosswalk
    Purple – NO drop-off/pick-up zone


    Text Description of Pick-up/Drop-off Procedures 

    As you read through the directions below, please keep in mind these very important guidelines.

    1.       Students should never have to cross traffic to reach a drop-off/pick-up zone.

    2.       Students must use crosswalks if they are separated from their destination by a lane or more of traffic.

    3.       If a student is required to exit the car on the opposite side from the drop-off/pick-up zone, they must walk in front of the car that they exited from.  They should never walk behind the car they exited from or around another car.

    4.       Drivers must pull as far forward as possible into the pick-up/drop-off zone before stopping for students to be dropped-off or picked-up.  This is vital for smooth traffic flow.  Failure to move as far forward as possible will cause traffic delays and backups.

    5.       Students must not be dropped-off/picked-up in the NO drop-off/pick-up zone (marked in Purple on the map).

    6.       You will have a week to ask questions or get clarification on any of these procedures; please do not hesitate to do so.

    7.       Our student’s safety is our primary focus.

    From Overbrook


    Headed North on Overbrook (School is to your right)

    ·         You may drop-off/pick-up in the fire lane onto the sidewalk that runs in front of the school

    ·         Students may enter through the front Overbrook entrance or walk around to any of the entrances off of the parking lot.

    ·         You may turn into the parking lot to drop-off/pick-up.

    ·         You will then have to pick the right or left lane to drop-off/pick-up (similar to last year).

    ·         You will NOT be able to drop-off/pick-up from crosswalk to crosswalk in either lane entering the parking lot from Overbrook.  See the Purple area on the attached map.

    ·         You will drop-off/pick-up in the zone marked in Yellow on the attached map. 

    o   If you are in the right lane (closest to the school) you should pull to the right against the curb or barrier.  Your student should exit your car on the right.  If your student must exit your car on the left (driver’s side), he/she must walk in front of your car and to the drop-off/pick-up zone.  They should never walk across traffic or behind your car.

    o   If you are in the left lane (furthest lane from the school) you should pull to the left beside the left side parking places.  Your student should exit the car on the left.  If your student must exit your car on the right (passenger’s side), he/she must walk in front of your car and to the drop-off/pick-up zone.  They should never walk across traffic or behind your car.

    ·         You must move as far forward into the pick-up/drop-off zone as possible.  Do not stop until you are at the furthest most point in the pick-up/drop-off zone or until you are behind a stopped car also unloading students.

    ·         After you have dropped-off/picked-up your student, you are free to move from the drop-off/pick-up lane to the travel lane.

    o   Travel lane will be to your left if you are in the right lane.

    o   Travel lane will be to your right if you are in the left lane.

    ·         As you merge into the exit lane, you will need to choose the right or left lane as quickly as possible according to the direction you intend to turn onto Overbrook.

    ·         Follow the directions of the person controlling the intersection or exit as safe if no one is manning the intersection at that time.


    Headed South on Overbrook (School is to your left)

    ·         You should not stop on Overbrook to let students out onto the sidewalk on your right.

    ·         You should not stop on Overbrook to let students out and allow them to cross traffic to go to the school on your left.

    ·         You may turn into the parking lot to drop-off/pick-up.

    ·         You will then have to pick the right or left lane to drop-off/pick-up (similar to last year).

    ·         You will NOT be able to drop-off/pick-up from crosswalk to crosswalk in either lane entering the parking lot from Overbrook.  See the Purple area on the attached map.

    ·         You will drop-off/pick-up in the zone marked in Yellow on the attached map.  

    o   If you are in the right lane (closest to the school) you should pull to the right against the curb or barrier.  Your student should exit your car on the right.  If your student must exit your car on the left (driver’s side), he/she must walk in front of your car and to the drop-off/pick-up zone.  They should never walk across traffic or behind your car.

    o   If you are in the left lane (furthest lane from the school) you should pull to the left beside the left side parking places.  Your student should exit the car on the left.  If your student must exit your car on the right (passenger’s side), he/she must walk in front of your car and to the drop-off/pick-up zone.  They should never walk across traffic or behind your car.

    ·         You must move as far forward into the pick-up/drop-off zone as possible.  Do not stop until you are at the furthest most point in the pick-up/drop-off zone or until you are behind a stopped car also unloading students.

    ·         After you have dropped-off/picked-up your student, you are free to move from the drop-off/pick-up lane to the travel lane.

    o   Travel lane will be to your left if you are in the right lane.

    o   Travel lane will be to your right if you are in the left lane.

    ·         As you merge into the exit lane, you will need to choose the right or left lane as quickly as possible according to the direction you intend to turn onto Overbrook.

    ·         Follow the directions of the person controlling the intersection or exit as safe if no one is manning the intersection at that time.


    From Hillsdale Rd/Richmar Dr.


    ·         This is an Entrance and Exit (similar to last year).  If you enter here, you will only be able to exit here.

    ·         You should drive around to the pick-up/drop-off zone (marked in Yellow on the attached map).

    ·         You must move as far forward into the pick-up/drop-off zone as possible.  Do not stop until you are at the furthest most point in the pick-up/drop-off zone or until you are behind a stopped car also unloading students.

    ·         If your student must exit your car on the left (driver’s side), he/she must walk in front of your car and to the drop-off/pick-up zone.  They should never walk across traffic or behind your car.

    ·         After you have dropped-off/picked-up your student, you are free to move from the drop-off/pick-up lane to the travel lane.

    ·         Follow the directions of the person controlling the crosswalk or exit as safe if no one is manning the crosswalk at that time.