• Art1

    Instructor: Mr. Michael Dudley


    (205) 414-3800 ext.7738

    Course Description:

    Art 1 serves as a foundational course which introduces students to a broad range of concepts, materials, and techniques in the visual arts.  This course is a prerequisite to level II visual arts courses including 3-D Art, 2-D Design, and Drawing & Painting.  In this class, students will learn to create works of art using a variety of two- and three-dimensional media.  Projects are designed so that students will develop an understanding of the elements and principles of art.


    Course Objectives:

    Students will:

    • Create original works of art from direct observation.
    • Use reflective ideas, personal experiences, and imaginary content to create works of art.
    • Apply the elements of art and principles of design to the production of two- and three-dimensional artwork.
    • Demonstrate the use of traditional and multimedia techniques to create works of art.
    • Develop a basic knowledge of design thinking and methodology through the study of orthographic drawing and other graphic modes of representation.
    • Evaluate selected works of art to determine the effectiveness of their organization.
    • Utilize specialized terminology from art history, aesthetics, and criticism in discussions of works of art.
    • Describe historical themes, symbols, and styles associated with works of art from various cultures, times, and places, including major periods and movements.



    The lab fee for this course covers the cost of all tools and materials needed for classroom projects.  No additional supplies are required.


    Grading Profile:

               Major Studio Projects-70%

               Minor Studio Projects- Sketches/ Concept Practice-20%

               Written Assignments/ Studio Maintenance -10%                                                                                                                                                                                                 

    Nine Wks. Exam/ Final Exam-This will often be the last project coincident with the end of the grading period.

    Major Studio Projects: Major class projects require the application of certain conceptual and craft-related skills, unique to each assignment.  Each project will be evaluated on effort, craftsmanship, creativity, composition, presentation, and improvement.

    Minor Studio Projects: Minor class projects usually involve the practice of certain art concepts.  These assignments are not evaluated on the quality of their execution.  Such assignments are usually a participation grade.

    Written Assignments: Written assignments will be given periodically as well.  Written assignments are typically graded for completeness, and count as a participation grade.

    Studio Maintenance: Certain weeks, contingent on the specific supplies used, a participation/ clean up grade will be issued.  This studio maintenance grade will consider the student’s ability to clean the work area and put materials away correctly.  Quite simply, the classroom must be maintained such that students have a safe and clean environment in which to work.

    Schoology: Instruction for each project will be provided in class.  These instructions will simultaneously be posted in the form of video tutorials through Schoology.  Therefore, any student who is absent either briefly or for an extended period of time will be able to access instructional content through this platform. These tutorials will typically be uploaded either before, or coincident with, the beginning of each assignment.




    Classroom Policies and Expectations: 


    ABSENCES/MAKE-UP WORK: All class work missed due to an excused absence can be made up.  These cases will be handled on an individual basis in terms of the duration of time necessary to make up missed classroom assignments.  Late work related to an excused absence will be accepted for full credit, provided it is complete and submitted reasonably and expeditiously with regard to the project deadline.  However, certain circumstances may arise that make exception to this rule.  Most importantly though, it is the student’s responsibility to communicate about absences/ late work, and request additional instruction via email.

    SUPPLIES: All supplies will be provided in class and will be covered by the class fee.

    DO NOT BE LATE!  Tardiness is disruptive and disrespectful.  After 3 tardies, detention will be assigned per MBHS guidelines, and the parent/guardian contacted.

    OFFICE HOURS/EXTRA HELP: I am available for extra help by appointment both before and after school. I am also available during 5th period.  Additionally, students will usually be allowed to work quietly on projects during other class periods throughout the day if they can be accommodated.

    BE PREPARED! Please come to class ready to work, and with a positive attitude!

    PARTICIPATE! Work hard on all assignments, participate during class discussions, be on task, and do not distract others from their work.

    CLEAN UP! Please clean up after yourself!  You are responsible for cleaning any areas and tools you have worked with.  Failure to clean up will result in loss of participation points and possible further disciplinary action.  Clean up tasks or time will be designated by teacher contingent on the nature of the assignment.

    NO FOOD, drinks, or gum allowed in the classroom. Water is acceptable.  If you must eat something during class due to medical or schedule reasons, you may do so only with permission from the teacher.

    CELL PHONES are NOT ALLOWED in class. Period.  Phones should be off or on silent, and should remain in book-bags or lockers.  Any phones that are not in these locations during class will be placed in the “phone organizer” provided on the classroom door for the duration of the period.  Furthermore, no headphones or earbuds are allowed either.  Violating this policy will result in disciplinary action.