

Degrees and Certifications:

Spartan Day

Spartan Day is our annual Welcome event for 7th Graders!  It usually involves a big welcome from our faculty and staff, building tours, tips and tricks for making the most of the Junior High and one-on-one Q & A time with an 8th or 9th grader. Our PTO hands out class shirts and serves lunch to our new Spartans as part of our event.  Spartan Day has been a tradition at MBJH for many years and has become something many students remember as part of their JH experience.  

Spartan Day is led by 8th and 9th grade student leaders called WEB Leaders. These leaders apply in April and then are selected before the school year ends.  They are trained over the summer to help the 7th graders have a good first experience in a junior high setting. 

Students in stands
7th Graders with Officer Ziska
Students opening locker
2028 shirt
PTO setting up the cafeteria
Sleepy Webbie