Meet our Muse staff members, Aiden Riemer and Georgia Kate Scott!
About Georgia Kate...My name is Georgia Kate Scott, I'm a senior this year, and I'm co-editor of The Muse. I've been on the staff for two years now. I love creative writing and have had a great experience putting together a literary magazine. I'm super excited to see what kinds of writing we'll receive this year!
About Aiden... Yo! I'm Aiden Riemer! Creative writing really became a part of my life when I was in elementary school and started writing these little blurbs of stories that only the mind of an elementary school kid could make up. But since then it's always been with me and I find myself sitting down to write as a means of expressing my ideas and thoughts about my life and how I interpret the world around me. I mainly write fantasy because of my avid involvement with Dungeons & Dragons. World building is probably my favorite aspect of creating a piece, because what else is a better basis for a character besides the ground they walk on and how history has affected that ground? I'm here at The Muse because I want to become more involved with my writing, and others' works as well. Learning how others think and how others feel -- how others write -- is such an important experience.