Seventh-Grade English

  • English 7 provides for the study of writing, grammar, vocabulary, and literature. Students study a variety of literary genres such as short stories, novels, plays, myths, poetry, and nonfiction.  The texts lead to opportunities for discussion, critical thinking, and literary analysis.

Seventh-Grade Advanced English

  • Advanced English 7 provides for the study of writing, grammar, vocabulary, and literature. Students study a variety of literary genres such as short stories, novels, plays, myths, poetry, and nonfiction.  The texts lead to opportunities for discussion, critical thinking, and literary analysis. This course is structured much the same as English 7, but at a quicker pace, using additional and/or different texts, and requiring more independent reading and writing. This course is designed for students who enjoy reading on their own and who are interested in becoming more critical readers. 

Eighth-Grade English

  • English 8 is the study of writing, grammar, vocabulary, and literature. Students read a variety of literary genres such as short stories, novels, plays, poetry, and students continue to practice and enhance their active reading skills.  Student engagement with the texts continues to focus on critical thinking and literary analysis. Selected novels enhance the curriculum beyond the textbook provided, including extension projects related to the reading. In addition, students focus on reading for information in non-fiction texts.  Students will write formally within a variety of styles to include analysis, research, and personal reflections.

Eighth-Grade Advanced English

  • English 8 Advanced is designed to prepare students for the level of rigor they will experience in high school advanced English courses. This course integrates different and sometimes more complex texts than what is provided in English 8. Students focus on reading for understanding, just as with English 8, but literary analysis and deeper-level exploration of texts are foundational principles upon which this course has been designed. Students who enjoy reading and who have a genuine interest in becoming more critical readers thrive in this environment.  Being able to correctly and effectively use previously taught grammar concepts, rather than having to review and relearn them, is essential in being able to learn and apply more advanced usage techniques.  Writing is focused on formal, academic writing, and students should have a strong foundation of writing skills in order to more confidently and comfortably approach the level of writing this course requires.

Ninth-Grade College Prep English

  • English 9 is a high school course taken by the majority of freshmen that focuses on the study of literature, informational texts, writing, grammar, and vocabulary. Students read a variety of genres including short stories, novels, plays, and poetry, and students continue to practice and enhance their active reading skills. Student engagement with the texts continues to enhance students’ critical thinking and literary analysis. Teachers select novels to enhance the curriculum beyond the provided textbook. Students continue to explore more critical, interpretive meanings of the texts they read, and students begin to explore different ways to read texts. Students in 9th grade English are assessed in a variety of ways, including formal essays, which require textual support and evidence. Students write argumentative, descriptive, narrative, and expository essays that continue to focus on formal, academic standards. Students review the fundamentals of English grammar with a shift toward practical application in writing. This course prepares students for work in high school English courses.

Ninth-Grade Advanced English

  • English 9 Advanced is an advanced high school course for ninth graders; this course helps students to become more critical readers and more reflective writers. This course is designed to build on students’ skills from 7th and 8th grade English courses. Students read texts that require active reading strategies such as annotating, note-taking, and reflecting. Students who are successful in this course enjoy reading challenging fiction and non-fiction texts and are committed to becoming more critical readers. Success in 9th Advanced English requires considerable aptitude and a strong work ethic. Students explore advanced grammar and usage techniques, and grammar instruction is primarily addressed through student writing.  Students’ compositions focus on formal, academic writing, including critical analysis, meaningful research, and responsible documentation. Students also practice writing different pieces of different lengths for different purposes. This course prepares students for work at the advanced and AP levels in high school.