Phone: (205) 414-3800


Degrees and Certifications:

B.M.E Music Education - K-12 Music

Mr. David Mandt

David Mandt is the Choral Director and AP Music Theory teacher at Mountain Brook High School. Mr. Mandt is a proud graduate of Mountain Brook Schools. He then went on to receive a Bachelor of Music Education from Florida State University, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude. He has previously taught at Chelsea Middle School as the Choral Director; he served here for 3 wonderful years. Mr. Mandt also works for the Birmingham Boys Choir, where he is the senior music assistant. He participated in choir at Mountain Brook High School from 2009-2011, and he is so excited to be back home and give back to the community that made him want to be a teacher. He is an actively sought-after clinician, and loves teaching students in any capacity he can!

He loves to sing, make music, read, and spend time with his wife at home.