• Library Use 


    • The library is open from 7 AM to 3:30 PM Monday through Friday. 

    • The library is a workspace. Students may use the library to read, check out materials, research, work, and collaborate with other students. 

      • Please respect the space and other students by picking up after yourself and keeping your voices at a reasonable level as to not disturb other students. 

      • When the Glass Classroom is available, it is a suitable location for large groups who may be louder or more disruptive while they work and study.  

      • There are other spaces in the school more suitable for congregating with friends during down time.  

      • Respecting the learning space includes not sitting on the floor, not congregating in large groups, not sitting multiple people in a chair, etc.  

    • Drinks and food are allowed in the library, but students should be working on something if they are coming in to eat. 

    • The library project center is located at the front of the library near the Wepa printer and copier. Feel free to use items located here, but please do not remove them from the library.

    • To reserve the library space (either the open library or the glass classroom), refer to the library calendar on our webpage for availability. Then, either call the library at extension 7619, stop by, or email us at jacksonam@mtnbrook.k12.al.us and keulera@mtnbrook.k12.al.us to request the space. Student clubs or groups should have their faculty sponsor in attendance at all meetings.  

    Student Loans and Records

    • Most books may be checked out for three weeks and may be renewed more than once.

    • Magazines may be checked out for one week and may be renewed once.

    • Equipment such as chargers and chromebooks are for on campus use only and are due back the same day.

    • Materials placed on reserve for course work are checked out overnight at the end of the school day and are due the next school day. 

    • Technology loaner Chromebooks have a 2 week loan period and must be renewed at the library desk as needed.

    • Mountain Brook High School Library patrons’ records are confidential to comply with the tenets of the American Association of School Librarians Statement on Confidentiality of Library Records. 

    Overdue & Lost Items

    • Overdue notices for each student are sent to the student and parent email on Monday of each week or daily for overdue electronic items.

    • Students with overdue books and/or equipment or large outstanding fines may not check out materials until all obligations have been cleared. 

    • MBHS Library charges five cents per item per school day for regular, reference and reserve items that are overdue. The maximum fine per item is $5.00.  

    • Chargers and chromebooks are available for check out during the school day.  These items must be returned by 3:30 PM each day. A fine of $2.00 for the first day and $1.00 per day after that will be charged for any chromebook or charger that is kept overnight. The maximum fine for a charger or cord is $5.00.  The replacement cost varies depending on the cost of the item. 

    • At the end of each semester, a comprehensive alphabetized list of all students with library obligations is sent to faculty members.  The faculty is asked to remind all of the students they teach of these obligations. 

    • At the end of the school year, a summary report of fines more than $5.00 and lost items is created and given to the bookkeeper.

    • Overdue items and fines are carried over into the next school year.

    • If a book/piece of equipment is lost, the student is required to pay the cost of that book/piece of equipment. (No overdue fine is assessed when the patron is required to pay the full cost.) If it is later found, the cost will be refunded minus the late fee.

    • Replacement price for magazines is $5.00.

    • Library fines may be paid by cash or check at the library desk.  

    Teacher Loans

    • Books and audio/visual items may be checked out to teachers for one semester and over the summer. 

    • Equipment such as chargers and chromebooks may be checked out for one week.

    • Teachers will receive overdue emails if they keep items over the due date. All materials should be returned to the library at those times.

    Student Holds

    • Students may reserve books by placing them on hold at the circulation desk or online through Destiny Discover.

    • When student-reserved materials become available, notices are sent to students by email and the book is held at the circulation desk for three days after the notice is sent.