Phone: 205-871-3516 Ext.8525


Degrees and Certifications:

Auburn University Bachelors in Music Education The University of New Mexico Masters in Horn Performance The University of South Carolina Doctor of Musical Arts in Horn Performance

Dr. Michelle Smith

Michelle Smith is the Beginning Band director for Mountain Brook Schools. Dr. Smith completed her Doctor of Musical Arts in Horn Performance at the University of South Carolina. While at USC, she worked as a Graduate Assistant for the University of South Carolina Bands and performed in the USC Wind Ensemble, USC Symphony Orchestra and The Carolina Cor Collective. As a Graduate Assistant, she conducted both the volleyball and basketball bands and worked closely with the Carolina Band. Dr. Smith received a Master of Music in Horn Performance from the University of New Mexico, while studying under professor JD Shaw. At UNM, she played in the Sandia Brass Quintet, Graduate Woodwind Quintet, University of New Mexico Symphony Orchestra, Brass Choir, and Wind Symphony. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education at Auburn University and studied under Dr. Bill Schaffer. While at Auburn, she was active in the performing ensembles and was a Mellophone Section Leader and Drum Major for the Auburn University Marching Band.  
Dr. Smith has performed with ensembles in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, New Mexico, and South Carolina and has worked as a private teacher, clinician and horn instructor for schools throughout the Southeast. As a Birmingham native she is excited to be back home and working near the city she grew up in. Dr. Smith currently lives in Birmingham with her two dogs, Aiden and Willow. 

Phone: 205-871-3516 Ext:7526


Degrees and Certifications:

Auburn University Bachelor of Music Education, Instrumental/Vocal | Summa Cum Laude

Mrs. Sarah Haymon

Sarah Haymon is the Associate Director of Bands for Mountain Brook Schools. She previously served as the Director of Bands at Greenville High School for 3 years. She is a native of Athens, AL and graduate of Athens High School. Sarah earned her Bachelor of Music Education from Auburn University in 2020, graduating summa cum laude and a University Honors Scholar. She is currently pursuing her Masters in Music Education from Ball State University. During her time at Auburn, Sarah was an active member of the Marching Band and served as the mellophone section leader and head drum major. She was also a member of the Symphonic Winds and Concert Band, playing both french horn and piano, and spent 2 years in the Chamber Choir. As a member of these ensembles, Sarah had the opportunity to perform halftime shows and concerts across the southeast. Among other accomplishments, she received the"Bodie Hinton Award" in the fall of 2019, which is presented to a senior member of the Auburn University Marching Band who demonstrates the "Spirit and Excellence of the AUMB."

Along with serving as the head drum major, Sarah was also the treasurer and president of Auburn's chapter of Music Teachers National Association. She was an active member of Kappa Kappa Psi, an honorary co-ed fraternity for college bandsmen, for her duration of studies at Auburn.  She also taught private lessons for piano and brass instruments. 

Her professional organizations include: National Association for Music Education, Alabama Music Educators Association, Alabama Educators Association, Music Teachers National Association, Kappa Kappa Psi, and Phi Kappa Phi. Through these organizations, she has attended professional development conferences and workshops across the state and the Midwest International Band and Orchestra Conference in Chicago.

Phone: 205-871-3516 Ext. 7526


Degrees and Certifications:

Auburn University Bachelors in Music Education| Magna Cum Laude Troy University Masters in Music Education

Mr. James Rogers

James Rogers is the Director of Bands for Mountain Brook City Schools. Mr.Rogers came to Mountain Brook in 2017 and served as the Assistant Band Director for 1 year where he was integral in returning the beginning bands back to the elementary schools. After that year Mr. Rogers became the Associate Band Director at Mountain Brook Junior High. While at MBJH Mr. Rogers tripled the size of the program and created the MBJH Concert band and Leadership Council. Before coming to Mountain Brook, Mr. Rogers was the Director of Bands at Montevallo High School and Director of Bands at Childersburg High School. 

Mr.Rogers is a graduate of Mountain Brook High School, and received his undergraduate degree from Auburn University. While at Auburn, Mr. Rogers was a member of the Auburn University Marching Band, Symphonic Winds, Jazz Band, Pep Band, Trombone Choir, Concert Choir, and AUCappella. An all-male acapella group he founded. Mr.Rogers earned his Masters in Music Education at Troy University in 2021.

In December of 2017, Mr. Rogers performed with the Alabama Winds at the Midwest International Band Conference in Chicago, IL. Also that year, Mr. Rogers was a guest conductor at the University of Montevallo Middle School Honor Band. James was a clinician at the 2017 and 2020 Alabama Music Educators Association State Conference. He is a member of the Alabama Bandmasters Association, National Association for Music Educators, and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia.

Mr. Rogers lives in Mountain Brook, AL with his wife Becca who teaches music at Brookwood Forest Elementary, his daughters Nora and Mazie, his two dogs Tucker and Indiana, and two cats Diana and Charlotte.