Used Uniform sale: This Saturday, April 15th at 9 am in Ms. Sager's room. 

    Mandatory Parent/Dancer Meeting: April 24th at 3 pm in Ms. Goodson's room. This is also when our Varsity representative will be here for the uniform fitting. A fee for yearbook photos and camp will be collected then. 


    2023-2024 Spartanettes

    Alice Kate K. 

    Bebe Kate A. 

    Caroline J. 

    Chappell W. 

    Elle N. 

    Evie E. 

    Frances R. 

    Gigi W. 

    Jane S. 

    Lily S. 

    Mary Clark H. 

    Mary G. 

    Mattie G. 

    Millie M. 

    Ruthie H. 

    Sally M. 

    Serena S. 

    Sarah Katherine O. 

    Sydney P. 

    Sydney S.