Welcome to the Calligraphy Club!
I’m so glad we are in our club together. I can’t wait to see what all we are able to do and learn this year! Here is a recap of the supplies, and a couple of websites to go to if you’re interested in looking at information between now and our next meeting. Let me know if you have any suggestions, ideas, or questions!!
- Penholder – oblique (if you’re a lefty, you may need to check on a special lefty holder)
- This website is currently out of stock, but it shows you what the pen holder looks like: http://www.jetpens.com/Speedball-Oblique-Pen-Nib-Holder/pd/12366
- Nib (I like to use Brause EF66)
- Ink (I like Dr. Ph. Martin’s India Ink or Calligraphy Ink)
Places in Birmingham you should be able to buy all the supplies:
- Forstall Art Center (Palisades in Homewood): http://www.forstallartcenter.com/
- Alabama Art Supply (Downtown): http://www.alabamaart.com/index.html
- Coupon/Student discount information for Alabama Art Supply: http://www.alabamaart.com/alaart15discount.html#artistandstudentdiscount
Helpful Websites:
- Iampeth videos: https://www.iampeth.com/videos
- Here’s an interesting article on nibs! https://thepostmansknock.com/lowdown-on-calligraphy-nibs/?utm_source=The+Postman%27s+Knock+Blog+Subscribers&utm_campaign=ffa52f33d9-thepostmansknock_rss&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0eb41a4679-ffa52f33d9-101126645
- Can print off more guide sheets to practice with at this website: http://www.iampeth.com/sites/iampeth.com/files/public_files/enzo_and_ziti_0.pdf
Sponsors: Mr. Smith and Ms. WilsonEmails: Mr. Smith