• Becoming Aware of Resources for Working in the Cloud 
    April –May 2015

    Goal: Select two of the blue sessions that your department is interested in as we become aware of the resources available for the 2015-2016

    Preparing for What is Headed Our Way
    Week of April 14, 2015
    Several changes are heading our way for 2015-2016. The session will focus on discussing the tools, resources, and procedures to help as we view the possibilities for next year.  Discussion will center around Google Apps, Office 365, lesson recording tools, audio and video resources, homebound participation, devices with cameras and touch screen, Cloud storage and more.

    Power of OneNote Desktop Version and Online 
    Week of April 
    OneNote has been part of Microsoft Office for a long time but now it is included on all Windows tablets and in Office 365 and Office 2013. It is a powerful tool for organizing notes and lessons. It allows creation of online notebooks, color tabs, and pages. The resource provides audio recording right on the lesson. Other perks include drawing, copy/cut/paste, drag and drop, sharing and collaborating. With OneNote Online, you can insert Office files as attachments or printouts to store them as part of the notebook that is shared with students.

    Google Classroom 
    We will discuss and review how to setup a Google classroom, enroll students, create assignments, grading, and more. Discussions will focus on comparing resources such as Google Classroom, Moodlerooms, OneNote Classroom, etc.

    Power of the Chrome Browser and Extensions 
    Chrome is a powerful web browser that when you log in you can add extensions, and other resources that follow you to any device. We will view the Google Play store and learn what this tool provides.

    Cloud Storage and File Management Student Projects / Videos etc 
    Since our students will be working and saving documents in Google Drive or Microsoft One Drive, we will review how this will look, how to create good file structure, etc. We will also review how to setup good files structure for teachers working with students.

    Compare Microsoft 365 and Google Apps for Education 
    This session will be focused on discussing the differences between Google Apps for Education and Microsoft Office 365. It is designed by request to help make the best decisions for you and your students.

    Interactive Projectors (Career Tech only) 
    We have three Epson 595 Wi-Fi interactive projectors on campus. This session will focus on how the projector and software works in the classroom. Projectors are currently located in the following classrooms: Career Tech, Peter Perez, and Casey Truesdale.

    Department Heads: Visit with teachers in your department and  select two sessions from the list above.
    Use this link in the email from 4/14 to submit your departments selections by Friday, 4/17/2015 THANK YOU