Between the Fall of 2021 and 2022, the school district undertook an extensive look at the district's facilities and instructional needs with a long-range planning committee comprised of parents, staff, community members and business owners with the assistance of Hoffman, Planning, Design and Construction. At the conclusion of the committee's work, they provided a recommendation statement to the Marion School District School Board.
The School Board acted upon their recommendation to engage School Perceptions as the community survey expert to inform the community and gain feedback about the committee's findings. Based on the needs identified in the facilities assessment, the planning process, and the community survey, the School Board voted in December to hold an election on April 4, 2023 on two referendum questions.
In addition to the resources below, the district will be holding two open houses with a presentation and tours to further explain the referendum questions and allow district residents the opportunity to tour the facilities.
- Location: Marion Elementary School
- Dates: March 7th March 21st
- Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
- 6:30 pm Presentation
- Both schools open for touring until 8:00