Heather Mahoney, MORIC Executive Director
Heather Mahoney has been Director of the Mohawk Regional Information Center since 2010. In that capacity, she oversees instructional technology, data services, administrative support, and technical services to 50 schools and four BOCES in the Mohawk Valley and Northern New York. She reports quarterly to a 20-member governing body composed of administrators from component school districts and BOCES. As the head of one of the state’s 12 RICs, she serves a liaison to the State Education Department and currently serves as chairwoman of the Statewide RIC Directors Group. Through that position, she serves as project manager for a statewide Data & Identity Federation Program, helps coordinate the Common Data View Reports effort and has helped steer other statewide technology initiatives.
Before taking on her current role, Heather served as the Instructional Team Leader and a Senior Instructional Computing Specialist at MORIC. She previously worked as an elementary classroom teacher, an elementary reading specialist, a professional development online learning instructor and an instructional technology consultant. Heather is certified to teach in three states and also holds School Building Leader and School District Leader certifications. Heather is a recipient of a Mohawk Valley Educator Distinguished Service Award from The Genesis Group.
She earned her bachelor’s degree in elementary education from St. Bonaventure University with a concentration in math, science, and technology. Her master’s degree in education is from Johns Hopkins University with a concentration in Technology for Educators. She holds a Certificate of Advanced Study from SUNY Cortland.